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AMC : Category : Scheme :
ICICI Pru Housing Opp Fund-Reg(G)
TypeInvestment In% of NAVNo. of sharesValue (Rs cr)
Domestic EquitiesICICI Bank Ltd.9.56581772327213.4059
Domestic EquitiesLarsen & Toubro Ltd.9.2656653345206.7086
Domestic EquitiesHDFC Bank Ltd.8.34991075269186.2796
Domestic EquitiesNTPC Ltd.7.46235345235166.4773
Domestic EquitiesAxis Bank Ltd.4.81801058406107.4864
Domestic EquitiesUltratech Cement Ltd.4.6854103202104.5276
Domestic EquitiesGrasim Industries Ltd.3.842937167385.7320
Domestic EquitiesTata Steel Ltd.3.5411575789578.9983
Domestic EquitiesState Bank Of India3.3065107093073.7657
Domestic EquitiesAmbuja Cements Ltd.3.0453146118267.9377
Domestic EquitiesHavells India Ltd.2.500539234655.7838
Domestic EquitiesShree Cements Ltd.2.37841944753.0592
Domestic EquitiesOrient Electric Ltd.2.3206261194451.7713
Domestic EquitiesAsian Paints Ltd.1.789818318639.9300
Domestic EquitiesOberoi Realty Ltd.1.744926221938.9264
Domestic EquitiesSobha Ltd.1.668431001737.2206
Domestic EquitiesKajaria Ceramics Ltd.1.457538150232.5154
Domestic EquitiesIndusInd Bank Ltd.1.271828655828.3721
Domestic EquitiesACC Ltd.1.262115482528.1557
Domestic EquitiesLa Opala RG Ltd.1.2572138096828.0475
Domestic EquitiesDalmia Bharat Ltd.1.186715668026.4734
Domestic EquitiesBajaj Electricals Ltd.1.165243083125.9942
Domestic EquitiesCrompton Greaves Consumer Electricals Ltd.1.070374349523.8773
Domestic EquitiesLIC Housing Finance Ltd.1.062347695423.6998
Domestic EquitiesNuvoco Vistas Corporation Ltd.1.053374968923.4990
Domestic EquitiesKalpataru Projects International Ltd1.020925905522.7748
Domestic EquitiesBirla Corporation Ltd.0.947221725521.1302
Domestic EquitiesNirlon Ltd.0.875939893719.5399
Domestic EquitiesPSP Projects Ltd0.785428232717.5212
Domestic EquitiesPrestige Estates Projects Ltd.0.749014832716.7105
Domestic EquitiesDLF Ltd.0.665423358414.8454
Domestic EquitiesThe Ramco Cements Ltd.0.651417529514.5320
Domestic EquitiesUniversal Cables Ltd0.563425160312.5688
Domestic EquitiesVoltas Ltd.0.47488023110.5913
Domestic EquitiesRR Kabel Ltd.0.44681119619.9673
Domestic EquitiesPrince Pipes And Fittings Ltd.0.42783328689.5433
Domestic EquitiesV-Guard Industries Ltd.0.37772722678.4253
Domestic EquitiesNLC India Ltd.0.35273800747.8691
Domestic EquitiesSomany Ceramics Ltd.0.32951657047.3498
Domestic EquitiesRepco Home Finance Ltd.0.24141629505.3855
Domestic EquitiesWhirlpool of India Ltd.0.1594383063.5550
Total 90.1403 2010.9542
Cash & Cash Equivalents and Net AssetsTREPS8.4255 187.9666
Cash & Cash Equivalents and Net AssetsCash Margin - Derivatives0.9465 21.1150
Cash & Cash Equivalents and Net AssetsNet Current Assets-3.8899 -86.7807
Total 5.4821 122.3009
Treasury Bills91 Days Treasury Bills0.26676000005.9504
Treasury Bills91 Days Treasury Bills0.22205000004.9526
Treasury Bills364 Days Treasury Bills0.04441000000.9905
Total 0.5331 11.8935
REITs & InvITsEMBASSY OFFICE PARKS REIT2.5879158503257.7332
REITs & InvITsBrookfield India Real Estate Trust REIT0.32962457767.3529
Total 3.8444 85.7664
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