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AMC : Category : Scheme :
Navi Nifty Next 50 Index Fund-Reg(G)
TypeInvestment In% of NAVNo. of sharesValue (Rs cr)
Domestic EquitiesHINDUSTAN AERONAUTICS LTD4.51457378833.0338
Domestic EquitiesDIVI'S LABORATORIES LIMITED4.16044931830.4425
Domestic EquitiesVEDANTA LIMITED4.081365852029.8639
Domestic EquitiesINTERGLOBE AVIATION LIMITED4.01966716829.4122
Domestic EquitiesPOWER FINANCE CORPORATION LIMITED3.823756489427.9792
Domestic EquitiesTATA POWER COMPANY LIMITED3.711965583327.1613
Domestic EquitiesSIEMENS LIMITED3.54473430525.9375
Domestic EquitiesREC LIMITED3.527248459225.8094
Domestic EquitiesINFO EDGE (INDIA) LIMITED3.41683028625.0020
Domestic EquitiesTVS MOTOR COMPANY LIMITED3.03619125622.2158
Domestic EquitiesLTIMINDTREE LTD3.02883590622.1626
Domestic EquitiesGAIL (INDIA) LIMITED2.8600104921620.9277
Domestic EquitiesDLF LIMITED2.799924895120.4874
Domestic EquitiesINDIAN OIL CORPORATION LIMITED2.7574145542720.1766
Domestic EquitiesCHOLAMANDALAM INVEST & FINANCE CO LTD2.730616192119.9802
Domestic EquitiesPIDILITE INDUSTRIES LIMITED2.49005942318.2203
Domestic EquitiesGODREJ CONSUMER PRODUCTS LIMITED2.486814620118.1969
Domestic EquitiesBANK OF BARODA2.437072371117.8322
Domestic EquitiesSAMVARDHANA MOTHERSON INTERNATIONAL LTD2.4072108419817.6139
Domestic EquitiesUNITED SPIRITS LIMITED2.394411457917.5203
Domestic EquitiesICICI LOMBARD GENERAL INSURANCE COMPANY2.35139241017.2054
Domestic EquitiesHAVELLS INDIA LIMITED2.30659823716.8771
Domestic EquitiesZOMATO LIMITED2.164156602815.8352
Domestic EquitiesABB INDIA LIMITED2.06332034415.0978
Domestic EquitiesSHREE CEMENT LIMITED1.8613522313.6197
Domestic EquitiesJINDAL STEEL & POWER LIMITED1.825814739013.3602
Domestic EquitiesCANARA BANK1.8234130795613.3425
Domestic EquitiesBHARAT HEAVY ELECTRICALS LIMITED1.711249867312.5212
Domestic EquitiesAMBUJA CEMENTS LIMITED1.701723427012.4515
Domestic EquitiesDABUR INDIA LIMITED1.650922916012.0802
Domestic EquitiesPUNJAB NATIONAL BANK1.6489115019012.0655
Domestic EquitiesTORRENT PHARMACEUTICALS LIMITED1.62943586611.9226
Domestic EquitiesBOSCH LIMITED1.6080336511.7661
Domestic EquitiesICICI PRUDENTIAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY1.440915069210.5432
Domestic EquitiesJIO FINANCIAL SERVICES LIMITED1.33762980899.7878
Domestic EquitiesINDIAN RAILWAY CATERING & TOURISM CORP1.30501170309.5491
Domestic EquitiesZYDUS LIFESCIENCES LIMITED1.2818970999.3793
Domestic EquitiesVARUN BEVERAGES LIMITED0.93081096376.8107
Domestic EquitiesAVENUE SUPERMARTS LIMITED0.6812134374.9846
Domestic EquitiesADANI POWER LIMITED0.6016793434.4020
Domestic EquitiesADANI GREEN ENERGY LIMITED0.5925327464.3352
Domestic EquitiesBAJAJ HOLDINGS & INVESTMENT.LTD0.562139294.1130
Domestic EquitiesJSW ENERGY LIMITED0.4334484413.1712
Domestic EquitiesMACROTECH DEVELOPERS LIMITED0.4323252413.1632
Domestic EquitiesADANI ENERGY SOLUTIONS LIMITED0.3817332332.7932
Domestic EquitiesINDIAN RAILWAY FINANCE CORPORATION LTD.0.33101621632.4217
Domestic EquitiesNHPC LIMITED0.31812858252.3278
Domestic EquitiesUNION BANK OF INDIA0.29141753452.1325
Domestic EquitiesADANI TOTAL GAS LIMITED0.2794251632.0441
Domestic EquitiesLIFE INSURANCE CORPORATION OF INDIA0.2713201451.9853
Total 100.0460 732.0643
Cash & Cash Equivalents and Net AssetsTREPS/Reverse Repo/Net Current Assets/Cash/Cash Equivalent-0.0460 -0.3368
Total -0.0460 -0.3368
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