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Year End: March 2015



The Financial Statements have been brpared in accordance with historical cost convention on accrual basis in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), notified Accounting Standards and relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and 2013.

The brparation of Financial Statements requires the Management to make estimates and assumptions considered in the reported amounts of assets, liabilities (including contingent liabilities), revenues and expenses of the reporting period. The difference between the actual results and the estimates are recognized in the period in which the results are known and/or materialized.


2.1 Income and expenses (except as stated below) are accounted for on accrual basis.

2.1.1 Income on non-performing assets and assets stated in the proviso to paragraph 6.2, infra is recognized in the year of its receipt. However, any unrealized income recognized before the asset in question beecame non-performing asset or the income recognized in respect of assets as stated in the proviso to paragraph 6.2, infra which remained due but unpaid for a period more than six months is reversed.

2.1.2 Income under the head carbon credit is accounted for in the year in which it is received by the Company.

2.2 Rebate on account of timely payment by borrowers is accounted for, on receipt of entire amount due on time.

2.3 Discount / financial charges / interest on the commercial papers and zero coupon bonds (deep discount bonds) are amortized proportionately over the period of its tenure.

2.4 Expenditure on issue of shares is charged to the securities brmium account.

2.5 Income from dividend is accounted for in the year of declaration of dividend.

2.6 Recoveries in borrower accounts are appropriated as per the loan agreements.

2.7 Prior period expenses / income and brpaid expenses upto X 5,000/- are charged to natural heads of account.

2.8 Income from consultancy service is accounted for on the basis of assessment by the management of actual progress of work executed proportionately with respect to the total scope of work in line with the terms of respective consultancy contracts.

2.9 Fees for advisory and professional services for developing Ultra Mega Power Projects (UMPPs) (Special Purpose Vehicle of Power Finance Corporation Limited) / Independent Transmission (ITPs) Projects becomes due only on transfer of project to the successful bidder and is accordingly accounted for at the time of such transfer.

2.10 The sale proceeds from Request for Qualification (RFQ) document / Request for Proposal (RFP) document for ITPs and UMPPs are accounted for on receipt of the same.


Expenditures which are not an Intangible Assets in terms ofAS-26 will be fully written off in the same year in which it's incurred.


4.1 Fixed assets are shown at historical cost less accumulated debrciation, except for the assets retired from active use and held for disposal, which are stated at lower of the book value or net realizable value.

4.2 Additions to fixed assets are being capitalized on the basis of bills approved or estimated value of work done as per contracts in cases where final bills are yet to be received / approved.

4.3 Debrciation on assets is provided on, original cost of the asset reduced by its residual value estimated from time to time, as per written down value method, over the useful lives of the assets as per Companies Act, 2013.

4.4 Items of fixed assets acquired during the year costing up to 7 5,000/- are fully debrciated.


5.1 Intangible assets such as software are shown at the cost of acquisition less accumulated amortisation, and amortization is done under straight-line method over the life of the assets estimated by the Company.


6.1 Current investments are valued individually at lower of cost or fair value.

6.2 Long term investments are valued at cost. Provision is made for diminution, other than temporary in the value of such investments. However, diminution in value is reversed, when there is rise in the value or if the reason for the reduction no longer exists.


Prudential Norms

7.1 PFC being a Government owned Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is exempt from the RBI directions relating to Prudential Norms. The Company, however, has formulated its own set of Prudential Norms with effect from 01.04.2003, which has been revised from time to time.

RBI has accorded the status of Infrastructure Finance company (IFC) to PFC, vide their letter dated 28.07.2010. Accordingly, PFC maintains CRAR as applicable to IFC.

7.2 As per prudential norms approved by the Board of Directors and the Ministry of Power, an asset including a lease asset, in respect of which, interest, principal installment and/or other charges remain due but unpaid for a period of six months or more, a term loan inclusive of unpaid interest and other dues if any, when the principal installment and /or interest remains unpaid for a period of six months or more, any amount which remains due but unpaid for a period of six months or more under bill discounting scheme and any amount due on account of sale of assets or services rendered or reimbursement of expenses incurred which remains unpaid for a period of six months or more are classified as Non-Performing Assets (NPA).

However, the following assets would not be classified as non-performing assets and the income on these loans is recognized on realisation basis.

i) Loans in respect of projects which are under implementation as per RBI Circular No. ref DBS.FID No. C-11/01.02.00/2001-02 dated February 1, 2002 read with D.O. letter DBS FID No 1285/01.02.00/2001-02 dated May 14, 2002 and RBI letter No.DBOD.BP.No.7675/21.04.048/2008-09 dated 11.11.2008.

ii) A facility which is backed by the Central / State Government guarantee or by the State Government undertaking for deduction from central plan allocation or a loan to State department, for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date from which Company's dues have not been paid by the borrower.

iii) A loan disbursed to an integrated power entity which is bifurcated on account of division of states, the Company shall follow the Government order issued for division of assets and liabilities, unless the same is stayed by any court and the case is pending in the court.

iv) Non servicing of part of dues due to dispute by the borrower for a period not exceeding 12 months from the date from which the company's dues have not been paid by the borrower. The disputed income shall be recognized only when it is actually realized. Any such disputed income already recognized in the books of accounts shall be reversed. Disputed dues means amount on account of financial charges like commitment charges, penal interest etc. and the disputed differential income on account of interest reset not serviced by the borrower due to certain issues remains unresolved. A dispute shall be acknowledged on case to case basis with the approval of the Board of Directors.

For the purpose of assets classification and provisioning:

a) Facilities granted to Government Sector & Private Sector Entities shall be classified borrower wise with the following exceptions:

i) Government sector loans, where cash flow from each project are separately identifiable and applied to the same project, PFC shall classify such loans on project wise basis.

b) The amount of security deposits kept by the borrower with the PFC in pursuance to the lease agreement together with the value of any other security available in pursuance to the lease agreement may be deducted against the provisions stipulated above.

c) NPA subjected to rescheduling and/or renegotiation and/or restructuring, whether in respect of installments of principal amount, or interest amount, by whatever modality, shall not be upgraded to the standard category until expiry of one year of satisfactory performance underthe restructuring and/or rescheduling and/or renegotiation terms.

d) Interest restructuring which is normally done by PFC to help the borrowers to convert the past high cost debts into lower interest bearing debts will not be considered as re-schedulement / debt restructuring.

e) Facilities falling under paragraph

7.2 (i), supra, shall be classified in line with RBI guidelines for asset classification of infrastructure projects, as applicable to banks from time to time, but provisioning for such facilities shall be as per PFC Prudential Norms applicable from time to time.

7.4 Provision against NPAs (assets other than Hire Purchase and Leased assets) is made at the rates indicated below: -

(i) Sub-standard assets : 10%

(ii) Doubtful assets:

(a) Secured portion / facility including that guaranteed by the State / Central Government or by the State Government undertaking for deduction from central plan allocation or loan to state department.

Up to 1 year : 20%

1 - 3 years :        30%

(b) Unsecured* : 100%

* A facility which is backed by Central / State Government Guarantee or by State Government undertaking for deduction from central plan allocation or a loan to state department would be treated as secured for the purpose of making provision.

(iii) Loss assets : 100%

The entire loss assets shall be written off. In case, a loss asset is permitted to remain in the books for any reason, 100% of outstanding shall be provided for.

7.5 The provisioning requirements in respect of hire purchase and leased assets shall be as per Para 9(2) of the Non-Banking Financial (Non-Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007 issued vide circular dated 1 stJuly, 2013 and subsequent amendments issued from time to time.

The para 9(2) as mentioned above is reproduced hereunder-

Lease and hire purchase assets

(2) The provisioning requirements in respect of hire purchase and leased assets shall be as under: Hire purchase assets

(i) In respect of hire purchase assets, the total dues (overdue and future installments taken together) as reduced by

(a) the finance charges not credited to the statement of profit and loss and carried forward as unmatured finance charges; and

(b) The debrciated value of the underlying asset, shall be provided for.

Explanation: For the purpose of this paragraph, the debrciated value of the asset shall be notionally computed as the original cost of the asset to be reduced by debrciation at the rate of twenty per cent per annum on a straight line method; and in the case of second hand asset, the original cost shall be the actual cost incurred for acquisition of such second hand asset.

Additional provision for hire purchase and leased assets

(ii) In respect of hire purchase and leased assets, additional provision shall be made as under:

(a) where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue upto 12 months       Nil

(b) where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue for more than 12 months but upto 24 months           10 percent of the net book value

(c) where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue for more than 24 months but upto 36 months            40 percent of the net book value

(d) where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue for more than 36 months but upto 48 months           70 percent of the net book value

(e) where hire charges or lease rentals are overdue for more than 48 months    100 percent of the net book value

(iii) On expiry of a period of 12 months after the due date of the last installment of hire purchase/leased asset, the entire net book value shall be fully provided for.

7.6 Standard Assets (including for Hire Purchase & Leased assets)

[as per Para 9(A) of the Non -Banking Financial (Non- Deposit Accepting or Holding) Companies Prudential Norms (Reserve Bank) Directions, 2007 and subsequent amendments issued from time to time.]

Provision for standard assets* at 0.25 percent of the outstanding shall be made, which shall not be reckoned for arriving at net NPAs. The provision towards standard assets need not be netted from gross advances but shall be shown separately as 'Contingent Provisions against Standard Assets' in the balance sheet.

*For the purpose of provisioning on Standard Assets, Standard Assets shall mean Loans and advances classified as Standard Assets.

7.7 Restructuring, Reschedulement or Renegotiation of term(s) of loan:

(i) PFC may, not more than once (in each of the following three stages), restructure or reschedule or renegotiate the terms of infrastructure loan agreement as per the policy framework laid down by the Board of Directors of the Company under the following stages:

a)  Before commencement of commercial production

b) After commencement of commercial production but before the asset has been classified as sub-standard;

c) After the commencement of commercial production and the asset has been classified as sub-standard. Provided that in each of the above three stages, the restructuring and / or rescheduling and/or renegotiation of principal and / or of interest may take place, with or without sacrifice, as part of the restructuring or rescheduling or renegotiating package evolved.

Provided further that in exceptional circumstance(s), for reasons to be recorded in writing, PFC may consider restructuring / reschedulement / renegotiation of terms of loan agreement second time before COD of the project with the approval of Board of Directors.

Provided further that extension of repayment schedule* before COD** of the project in respect of Government Sector Entities, without any sacrifice*** of either principal or interest, will not be considered as restructuring / rescheduling / renegotiation for the purpose of applicability of this section.

* including change in terms w.r.t payment of principal consequent to cost overrun funding ** Completion Date for projects where COD is not applicable.

*** The term "sacrifice" shall mean waiver / reduction of principal and / or the interest dues and / or future applicable interest rate as a part of Restructuring / Reschedulement / Renegotiation package for the purpose of giving effect to the extant provision in respect of Government sector entities.

(ii) Provision for shortfall in security of Restructured / Rescheduled / Renegotiated Loans:

Where the asset is partly secured, a provision to the extent of shortfall in the security available, shall be made while restructuring and / or rescheduling and / or renegotiation of the loans, apart from the provision required on brsent value basis and as per prudential norms.

(iii) Treatment of Restructured / Rescheduled / Renegotiated Standard Loan:

The rescheduling or restructuring or renegotiation of the instalments of principal alone, at any of the aforesaid first two stages shall not cause a standard asset to be re-classified in the sub-standard category, if the project is re-examined and found to be viable by the Board of Directors of PFC or by a functionary at least one step senior to the functionary who sanctioned the initial loan for the project, within the policy framework laid down by the Board.

Provided that rescheduling or renegotiation or restructuring of interest element at any of the foregoing first two stages shall not cause a standard asset to be downgraded to sub-standard category subject to the condition that the amount of interest foregone, if any, on account of adjustment in the element of interest as specified later, is either written off or 100 per cent provision is made there against.

(iv) Treatment of Restructured / Rescheduled / Renegotiated sub-standard Asset:

A sub-standard asset shall continue to remain in the same category in case of restructuring or rescheduling or renegotiation of the instalments of principal until the expiry of one year and the amount of interest foregone, if any, on account of adjustment, including adjustment by way of write off of the past interest dues, in the element of interest as specified later, shall be written off or 100 per cent provision made there against.

(v) Adjustment of Interest:

Where rescheduling or renegotiation or restructuring involves a reduction in the rate of interest, the interest adjustment shall be computed by taking the difference between the rate of interest as currently applicable to the loan (as adjusted for the risk rating applicable to the borrower) and the reduced rate and aggregating the brsent value (discounted at the rate currently applicable to infrastructure loan, adjusted for risk enhancement) of the future interest payable so stipulated in the restructuring or rescheduling or renegotiation proposal.

(vi) Funded Interest:

In the case of funding of interest in respect of NPAs, where the interest funded is recognized as income, the interest funded shall be fully provided for.

(vii) Eligibility for Upgradation of Restructured / Rescheduled / Renegotiated Sub-standard Infrastructure loan:

The sub-standard asset subjected to rescheduling and / or renegotiation and / or restructuring, whether in respect of instalments of principal amount, or interest amount, by whatever modality, shall not be upgraded to the standard category until expiry of one year of satisfactory performance under the restructuring and / or rescheduling and/or renegotiation terms.


a) Satisfactory Performance means where no payment should remain overdue for a period of more than number of days after which it would be classified as NPA. In addition there should not be any overdue at the end of one year period. Further, the satisfactory performance is to be seen in respect of all the outstanding loan/facilities in the account.

b) Asset classification of sub-standard asset will not deteriorate upon rescheduling and/or renegotiation and/or restructuring whether in respect of instalments of principal amount or interest amount by whatever modality, if satisfactory performance is demonstrated during the period of one year under the restructuring and/or rescheduling and/or renegotiation terms.

c) In case, however, satisfactory performance after a period of one year is not evidenced, the asset classification of the restructured account would be governed as per the applicable prudential norms with reference to the br-restructuring payment schedule*.

*br-restructuring payment schedule shall mean the date on which the loan asset became NPA on the first occasion.

(viii) Reversal of Provision:

The provisions* held by the non-banking financial companies against non-performing infrastructure loan, which may be classified as 'standard' in terms of paragraph 7.7(iii) above, shall continue to be held until full recovery of the loan is made.

*The provision which is made in a restructured / rescheduled / renegotiated account towards interest sacrifice.

(ix) Conversion of Debt into Equity:

Where the amount due as interest is converted into equity or any other instrument, and income is recognized in consequence, full provision shall be made for the amount of income so recognized to offset the effect of such income recognition:

Provided that no provision is required to be made, if the conversion of interest is into equity which is quoted; Provided further that in such cases, interest income may be recognized at market value of equity, as on the date of conversion, not exceeding the amount of interest converted to equity.

(x) Conversion of Debt into Debentures:

Where principal amount and / or interest amount in respect of NPAs is converted into debentures, such debentures shall be treated as NPA, ab initio, in the same asset classification as was applicable to the loan just before conversion and provision shall be made as per norms.

(xi) These norms shall be applicable to the loans which have been restructured and / or rescheduled and / or renegotiated and which are fully or partly secured standard / sub-standard asset.

For the above paragraphs, Restructuring / Re- schedulement / Renegotiation shall cover terms of agreement relating to principal and interest. However, this section shall not be applicable to the following set of assets:

a) A facility which is backed by Central / State Government Guarantee or by state government undertaking for deduction from central plan allocation or a loan to state department.

b) Loans falling under paragraph 7.2(i).

(xii) Accounting Policy stated at 7.7 (i) to 7.7(xi) to be read with the following paragraphs:

a) PFC's restructuring norms approved by MoP will be applicable till 31.03.2017 for Transmission & Distribution, Renovation & Modernization and Life Extension projects and also the hydro projects in Himalayan region or affected by natural disasters.

b) All new project loans (except covered under 7.7(xii) (a) above) sanctioned with effect from 01.04.2015 to generating companies, to be regulated by the RBI norms for restructuring and provisioning.

c) Loans (except covered under 7.7(xii) (a) above) already sanctioned upto 31.03.2015 will, continue to be subjected to PFC's restructuring norms approved by the Ministry of Power, however provisioning on loan assets of generating companies will be as per RBI norms.


8.1 The following transactions are accounted for at the exchange rates brvailing on the date of the transaction as per Accounting Standard - 11:

(i) Expenses and income in foreign currency; and

(ii) Amounts borrowed and lent in foreign currency.

8.2 The following balances are translated in Indian Currency at the exchange rates brvailing on the date of closing of accounts as per Accounting Standard - 11:

(i) Foreign currency loan liabilities.

(ii) Funds kept in foreign currency account with banks abroad.

(iii) Contingent liabilities in respect of guarantees given in foreign currency.

(iv) Income earned abroad but not remitted / received in India.

(v) Loans granted in foreign currency.

(vi) Expenses and income accrued but not due on foreign currency loans/borrowing.

8.3 Where the Company has entered into a forward contract or an instrument that is, in substance a forward contract, the difference between the forward rate and the exchange rate on the date of transaction is recognized as income or expense over the life of the contract, as per Accounting Standard - 11.

8.4 In case of loan from KFW, Germany, exchange difference is transferred to Interest Differential Fund Account - KFW as per loan agreement.

8.5 In accordance with the paragraph 46A of the Accounting Standard (AS) 11, the exchange differences on the long term foreign currency monetary items are amortized over their balance period.


9.1 Derivative transactions include forwards, interest rate swaps, currency swaps, and currency and cross currency options to hedge on balance sheet assets or liabilities.

9.2    These derivative transactions are done for hedging purpose, and not for trading or speculative purpose. These are accounted for on accrual basis, and are not marked to market.


10.1 The Company acts as a channelizing / nodal agency for pass-through of loans / grants / subsidies to beneficiaries under various schemes of the Govt. of India. The Company receives the amount on such account and disburses it to the eligible entities in accordance with the relevant schemes.

10.2 Where funds are first disbursed to the beneficiary, the same are shown as amount recoverable from the Govt. of India and are squared up on receipt of amount.

10.3 Where funds are received in advance from Govt. of India, the same are shown as current liabilities till the payments are released to the beneficiary.

10.4 The income on account of fee etc. arising from implementation of such GoI schemes is accounted for in accordance with the respective scheme / GoI directives as applicable.


11.1 Interest subsidy for eligible borrowers received from the Ministry of Power, Govt. of India under Accelerated Generation & Supply Programme (AG&SP) on net brsent value (NPV) basis is credited to Interest Subsidy Fund on receipt and is passed on to the borrowers over the eligible period of loan on respective dates of interest demands. Any excess / shortfall in the Interest Subsidy Fund is refunded or adjusted/charged off on completion of respective scheme.

11.2 Interest Subsidy Fund is credited at the year-end with interest on the outstanding balance in the subsidy fund by debiting statement of Profit & Loss, at rates specified in the Scheme.


12.1 Expenditure incurred on the subsidiaries is debited to the account "Amount recoverable from concerned subsidiary".

12.2 Expenses in respect of man days (employees) are allocated to subsidiaries and administrative overheads are apportioned to subsidiaries on estimated basis. Direct expenses are booked to respective subsidiaries.

12.3 Interest on amount recoverable from subsidiaries (promoted as SPVs for Ultra Mega Power Projects) is accounted for at the rate of interest applicable for project loan / scheme (generation) to state sector borrower (category A) as per the policy of the Company.

12.4 Amounts received by subsidiaries as commitment advance from power procurers are parked with the Company as intercorporate loans and interest is provided on unused portion of these loans at the mutually agreed interest rates.

12.5 The Company incurs expenditure for development work in the UMPPs / ITPs. The expenditure incurred is shown as amount recoverable from the respective subsidiaries set up for development of UMPPs / ITPs. Provisioning / write off is considered to the extent not recoverable, when an UMPP / ITP is abandoned by the Ministry of Power, Government of India.


13.1 Provident Fund, Gratuity, Pension Fund and Post Retirement Benefits

Company's contribution paid / payable during the financial year towards provident fund and pension fund are charged in the statement of Profit and Loss. The Company's obligation towards gratuity to employees and post retirement benefits such as medical benefits, economic rehabilitation benefit, and settlement allowance after retirement are actuarially determined and provided for as per Accounting Standard - 15 (Revised).

13.2 Other Employee Benefits

The Company's obligation towards sick leave, earned leave, service award scheme are actuarially determined and provided for, as per Accounting Standard - 15 (Revised).


14.1 Income Tax comprising of current tax is determined in accordance with the applicable tax laws and deferred tax charge or credit (reflecting the tax effects of timing differences between accounting income and taxable income for the period) in accordance with Accounting Standard - 22 on Accounting for Taxes on Income.

Deferred tax charge or credit and corresponding deferred tax liabilities or assets are recognized using tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. Deferred Tax Assets are recognized and carried forward to the extent there is a reasonable certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which such Deferred Tax Assets can be realized.

14.2 Since the Company has passed a Board resolution that it has no intention to make withdrawal from the Special Reserve created and maintained under section 36(1)(viii) of the Income Tax Act, 1961, the special reserve created and maintained is not capable of being reversed and thus it becomes a permanent difference. The Company does not create any deferred tax liability on the said reserve in accordance with the clarification of the Accounting Standard Board of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.


Cash flow statement is brpared in accordance with the indirect method brscribed in Accounting Standard - 3 on Cash Flow Statement.


Cash comprises cash on hand, demand deposits with banks, imbrst with postal authorities and cheques / drafts / pay orders in hand. The Company considers cash equivalents as all short term balances (with an original maturity of three months or less from the date of acquisition), highly liquid investments that are readily convertible into known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value.


Company Secretary


Director (Finance) DIN - 00701892


Chairman & Managing Director

DIN – 00239813

For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Signed in terms of our report of even date attached

For N.K. Bhargava & Co.  

Chartered Accountants

Firm Regn. No. 000429N



Membership No - 080624

For K.B.Chandna & Co.

Chartered Accountants

Firm Regn. No. 000862N



Membership No – 016521

Place : New Delhi

Date : 28.05.2015

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  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost.
Source: Click Here.