(Rs. in Millions) |
I. INCOME | | | | | |
Interest Earned | 105547.13 | 82054.08 | 59217.31 | 49500.52 | 42858.84 |
Interest / Discount on advances / Bills | 84421.48 | 68470.18 | 49474.77 | 39473.63 | 34148.38 |
Interest on balances with RBI and other Inter-bank funds | 668.80 | 582.77 | 870.81 | 850.07 | 258.04 |
Income on investments | 16323.88 | 11898.84 | 7805.32 | 7730.43 | 6134.69 |
Others | 4132.98 | 1102.29 | 1066.41 | 1446.39 | 2317.74 |
Other Income | 17458.93 | 10344.64 | 9936.94 | 14209.33 | 7060.92 |
Commission,exchange and brokerage | 16225.40 | 9851.00 | 6126.41 | 4282.87 | 4291.44 |
Profit / (loss)on sale of investments(net) | 517.49 | -442.79 | 1429.70 | 8542.01 | 1725.73 |
Profit on sale of Fixed Assets | -13.96 | -6.63 | -6.37 | -9.30 | -11.11 |
Foreign Exchange Gains | 0.89 | | | | |
Income earned from subsidiaries/joint venture | | | | | |
Rent / Lease Income | | | | | |
Provisions Written Back | | | | | |
Miscellaneous income | 729.11 | 943.06 | 2387.21 | 1393.75 | 1054.87 |
Total Income | 123006.06 | 92398.73 | 69154.25 | 63709.84 | 49919.76 |
II. EXPENDITURE | | | | | |
Interest Expended | 53976.29 | 37801.26 | 26876.06 | 25846.10 | 23769.44 |
Intereston Deposits | 49322.08 | 33389.42 | 22635.37 | 18572.10 | 16054.67 |
Interest on RBI / inter-bank borrowings | 154.40 | 126.11 | 109.91 | 495.92 | 812.95 |
Other Interest | 4499.82 | 4285.73 | 4130.78 | 6778.08 | 6901.82 |
Operating Expenses | 44648.04 | 34402.70 | 24127.74 | 16584.25 | 14178.59 |
Payments to and provisions for employees | 21036.81 | 17930.28 | 13789.22 | 9801.73 | 7596.18 |
Rent,Taxes and lighting | 2049.38 | 1873.18 | 1376.17 | 989.30 | 988.02 |
Depreciation on Banks property | 2254.44 | 1854.18 | 1401.67 | 1043.69 | 886.18 |
Depreciation on leased assets | | | | | |
Auditor's fees and expenses | 26.86 | 19.12 | 20.08 | 14.08 | 17.19 |
Law charges | 806.84 | 689.24 | 333.90 | 226.20 | 221.26 |
Communication Expenses | 994.65 | 836.37 | 642.94 | 381.87 | 288.61 |
Repairs and Maintenance | 2326.64 | 1689.22 | 1253.46 | 923.07 | 810.84 |
Insurance | 880.28 | 669.10 | 451.78 | 321.72 | 199.55 |
Other expenses | 14272.13 | 8842.01 | 4858.52 | 2882.58 | 3170.76 |
Provisions and Contingencies | 4387.44 | 1548.31 | 3609.71 | 6694.45 | 2831.99 |
Provision for investments | | | | | -0.40 |
Provision for advances | 5385.50 | 2434.20 | 2067.10 | 7057.70 | 925.80 |
Others Provisions | -998.06 | -885.89 | 1542.61 | -363.25 | 1906.59 |
Profit Before Tax | 19994.29 | 18646.45 | 14540.74 | 14585.05 | 9139.75 |
Taxes | 4647.10 | 4367.20 | 3242.40 | 2878.20 | 2391.90 |
Current Income Tax | 4879.70 | 3873.70 | 3658.20 | 3477.20 | 2689.20 |
Deferred Tax | -232.60 | 493.50 | -415.80 | -599.00 | -297.30 |
Other taxes | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Profit After Tax | 15347.19 | 14279.25 | 11298.34 | 11706.85 | 6747.85 |
Extra items | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Minority Interest | | | | | |
Share of Associate | | | | | |
Other Consolidated Items | | | | | |
Consolidated Net Profit | 15347.19 | 14279.25 | 11298.34 | 11706.85 | 6747.85 |
Adjustments to PAT | | | | | |
IV. APPROPRIATIONS | 58218.56 | 48103.46 | 38209.36 | 30580.03 | 22468.12 |
Transfer to Statutory Reserve | 3836.80 | 3569.81 | 2824.59 | 2926.71 | 1686.96 |
Appropriation to General Reserve | | | | | |
Appropriation to Revenue Reserve | | | | | |
Appropriation to Other Reserves | | | | | |
Equity Dividend | | | | | |
Corporate dividend tax | | | | | |
Other appropriations | 54381.76 | 44533.65 | 35384.78 | 27653.32 | 20781.16 |
Equity Dividend % | 10.00 | 10.00 | 10.00 | | |
Earnings Per Share | 23.00 | 21.00 | 36.00 | 37.00 | 22.00 |
Adjusted EPS | 23.00 | 21.00 | 18.00 | 19.00 | 11.00 |