(Rs. in Millions) |
I. INCOME | | | | | |
Interest Earned | 997779.58 | 807433.39 | 679439.51 | 687673.35 | 372311.24 |
Interest / Discount on advances / Bills | 719710.27 | 567601.36 | 452355.01 | 457658.38 | 250786.98 |
Interest on balances with RBI and other Inter-bank funds | 48548.65 | 21168.45 | 21408.27 | 16048.80 | 12002.84 |
Income on investments | 224674.25 | 213550.35 | 199428.38 | 205737.02 | 105728.60 |
Others | 4846.40 | 5113.23 | 6247.85 | 8229.15 | 3792.83 |
Other Income | 160801.94 | 146331.53 | 125248.17 | 117444.94 | 52607.87 |
Commission,exchange and brokerage | 23803.15 | 21514.10 | 17398.17 | 12419.15 | 5633.25 |
Profit / (loss)on sale of investments(net) | 16379.18 | 7980.54 | 34111.87 | 36513.07 | 14632.59 |
Profit on sale of Fixed Assets | 21.65 | -14.86 | -3.49 | 76.14 | -39.45 |
Foreign Exchange Gains | 9188.08 | 8130.83 | 6080.63 | 4336.22 | 5570.19 |
Income earned from subsidiaries/joint venture | | | | | |
Rent / Lease Income | | | | | |
Provisions Written Back | | | | | |
Miscellaneous income | 111409.88 | 108720.92 | 67660.99 | 64100.37 | 26811.30 |
Total Income | 1158581.52 | 953764.92 | 804687.68 | 805118.29 | 424919.11 |
II. EXPENDITURE | | | | | |
Interest Expended | 632075.61 | 479779.96 | 401574.86 | 440789.09 | 257943.72 |
Intereston Deposits | 585043.93 | 443400.34 | 374542.12 | 408068.45 | 240269.07 |
Interest on RBI / inter-bank borrowings | 29809.35 | 18428.88 | 10559.95 | 14902.54 | 8387.57 |
Other Interest | 17222.33 | 17950.73 | 16472.79 | 17818.09 | 9287.08 |
Operating Expenses | 244399.60 | 219313.32 | 184380.74 | 167659.93 | 75164.15 |
Payments to and provisions for employees | 143771.79 | 123897.06 | 101146.06 | 92836.12 | 33586.19 |
Rent,Taxes and lighting | 10902.55 | 10677.41 | 10706.73 | 11038.07 | 6187.46 |
Depreciation on Banks property | 8909.76 | 7371.51 | 7381.01 | 8952.30 | 4112.57 |
Depreciation on leased assets | | | | | |
Auditor's fees and expenses | 629.97 | 689.13 | 630.32 | 1055.64 | 398.66 |
Law charges | 1735.41 | 1629.26 | 1408.63 | 1247.73 | 605.74 |
Communication Expenses | 3978.95 | 3204.98 | 3110.63 | 2331.12 | 1560.19 |
Repairs and Maintenance | 3449.82 | 3609.66 | 3271.78 | 3560.30 | 1194.86 |
Insurance | 14196.10 | 15361.12 | 12877.01 | 12665.92 | 5792.46 |
Other expenses | 56825.25 | 52873.20 | 43848.56 | 33972.73 | 21726.04 |
Provisions and Contingencies | 67802.44 | 133294.36 | 132938.02 | 172675.12 | 132087.51 |
Provision for investments | -3547.50 | 19151.80 | 2146.10 | 9668.60 | 3723.70 |
Provision for advances | 70840.80 | 113892.70 | 130293.30 | 149232.50 | 97931.80 |
Others Provisions | 509.14 | 249.86 | 498.62 | 13774.02 | 30432.01 |
Profit Before Tax | 214303.87 | 121377.28 | 85794.06 | 23994.15 | -40276.27 |
Taxes | 77820.80 | 37044.50 | 33473.10 | -5065.50 | -11298.50 |
Current Income Tax | 77820.80 | 37044.50 | 33473.10 | -5065.50 | -11298.50 |
Deferred Tax | | | | | |
Other taxes | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Profit After Tax | 136483.07 | 84332.78 | 52320.96 | 29059.65 | -28977.77 |
Extra items | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Minority Interest | | | | | |
Share of Associate | | | | | |
Other Consolidated Items | | | | | |
Consolidated Net Profit | 136483.07 | 84332.78 | 52320.96 | 29059.65 | -28977.77 |
Adjustments to PAT | | | | | |
IV. APPROPRIATIONS | 142315.07 | 84332.78 | 52320.96 | 29059.65 | -112979.85 |
Transfer to Statutory Reserve | 34120.77 | 21083.19 | 13080.24 | 7264.91 | |
Appropriation to General Reserve | | | | | |
Appropriation to Revenue Reserve | 64757.40 | 34030.81 | 2253.34 | | |
Appropriation to Other Reserves | | | | | |
Equity Dividend | 27480.98 | 20504.31 | 12986.02 | | |
Corporate dividend tax | | | | | |
Other appropriations | 15955.93 | 8714.47 | 24001.36 | 21794.74 | -112979.85 |
Equity Dividend % | 36.00 | 30.00 | 19.00 | | |
Earnings Per Share | 18.00 | 12.00 | 8.00 | 5.00 | -8.00 |
Adjusted EPS | 18.00 | 12.00 | 8.00 | 5.00 | -8.00 |