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Notes Of Account      
Year End: March 2014

Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and changes in estimates explanatory

NOTE - 28The details of amounts outstanding to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises under the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 (MSMED Act), based on the available information with the Company are as under:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
Principal amount due and remaining unpaid                       0.59                        1.12
Interest due on (1) above and the unpaid interest                       0.04                        0.14
Interest paid on all delayed payments under the MSMED Act                           -                              -  
Payment made beyond the appointed day during the year                           -                              -  
Interest due and payable for the period of delay other than (3) above                       0.04                        0.14
Interest accrued and remaining unpaid                           -                              -  
Amount of further interest remaining due and payable in succeeding years                           -                              -  
NOTE - 29The Company had made investments in M/s Nahar Seth and Jogani Associates, Partnership firm. Capital Contribution and Profit Sharing ratio of the partnership were as follows:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
 CapitalProfit / Loss Sharing Ratio
Avenue Supermarts Limited                    220.00 90%
Gopikishan Shivkishan Damani                     25.00 5%
Ramesh Sumermal Shah                       5.00 3%
Sukraj Babulal Nahar (HUF)                           -   2%
Total                   250.00 100%
 Over and above, advances of ` 826.73 Lacs (Previous Year: ` 826.73 Lacs) were outstanding from the Partnership firm.  
On February 21, 2014, Nahar Seth Jogani Developers P. Ltd. was incorporated under Part IX of the Companies Act 1956 and assets and liabilities of said Partnership Firm were taken over by the newly incorporated company. Consequent to the transaction, the Company has made an  investment of Rs.9 Lacs in equity shares of Nahar Seth Jogani Developers P. Ltd. and advances of Rs.826.73 Lacs given to the partnership firm were transferred to the new company as Rent Deposit against a brmises.
NOTE - 30The Company has not entered into any derivative transactions during the year. 
Unhedged foreign currency exposure at the end of the year is NIL
NOTE - 31Related Party Disclosure:
(a)  Relationships
(i)Shareholders who exercise control:
Mr. Gopikishan Damani 
Mr. Radhakishan Damani
Mrs. Kirandevi Damani
Mrs. Shrikantadevi Damani
M/s. Bright Star Investments Private Limited
(ii)Directors :
Mr. Ramakant Baheti
Mr. Ignatius Navil Noronha
Mr. Sadanand M Padhye (Upto 04.08.2012)
Mr.Ramesh Damani
Mrs. Manjri Chandak
(iii)Enterprises over which the company exercise control:
M/s.Nahar Seth and Jogani Associates
M/s.Avenue Food Plaza Private Limited
M/s Align Retail Trades Private Limited
M/s.Nahar Seth and Jogani Developers Private Limited
(iv)Relatives and enterprises of (i) and (ii) above, where transactions have taken place :
M/s. Damani Estate and Finance Private Ltd
Note : Related party relationships are as identified by the Company and relied upon by the Auditors
 (b)  Transaction with related parties
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
 Referred in (a) (i) aboveReferred in (a) (ii) aboveReferred in a (iii) above
Purchases :   
Purchase of Goods   
Align Retail Trades Private Limited -  -             58,077.27
  ( - )  ( - )           (42,001.65)
Expenses :   
Remuneration paid   
- Mr. Ignatius Navil Noronha -                    569.49  - 
  ( - )                     (52.06) ( - ) 
- Mr. Ramakant Baheti -                      40.81  - 
  ( - )                     (43.60) ( - ) 
- Mr. Sadanand Padhye -                            -    - 
  ( - )                     (70.37) ( - ) 
Income :   
Rent Received   
Align Retail Trades Private Limited -  -                      9.16
  ( - )  ( - )                    (9.16)
Avenue Food Plaza Private Limited -  -                    13.06
  ( - )  ( - )                  (13.60)
Interest Income   
Align Retail Trades Private Limited -  -                  271.88
  ( - )  ( - )                (193.53)
Reimbursement of Expenses   
Align Retail Trades Private Limited -  -                  153.46
  ( - )  ( - )                (164.28)
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
 Referred in (a) (i) aboveReferred in (a) (ii) aboveReferred in a (iii) above
Finance :   
Equity share capital issued   
- Mr. Sadanand Padhye -  -  - 
  ( - )                     (26.21) ( - ) 
Investment in Share Capital  
Align Retail Trades Private Limited                          -  
Nahar Seth Jogani Developers Pvt Ltd (Refer Note -29 )                      9.00
   ( - ) 
Repayment  of Capital by  M/s.Nahar Seth and Jogani Associates (Refer Note -29 )                  211.00
   ( - ) 
Advance given to Avenue Food Plaza Private Limited towards Capital Goods                    27.05
   ( - ) 
 Referred in (a) (i) aboveReferred in (a) (ii) aboveReferred in a (iii) above
Outstandings :   
Advances Recoverable outstanding   
Nahar Seth and Jogani Associates / Nahar Seth Jogani Developers P Ltd. (Premises used against this advance) -  -                  826.73
  ( - )  ( - )                (826.73)
Align Retail Trades Private Limited -  -                  357.26
  ( - )  ( - )             (1,981.00)
Directors' Remuneration Payable -                            -    - 
  ( - )                       (4.15) ( - ) 
Align Retail Trades Private Limited -  -                  813.26
  ( - )  ( - )                (952.56)
Deposit O/s from Avenue Food Plaza Pvt Ltd -  -                  188.50
  ( - )  ( - )                (157.00)
Align Retail Trades Private Limited -  -                  244.70
  ( - )  ( - )                (170.67)
Avenue Food Plaza Private Limited -  -                    31.73
  ( - )  ( - )                    (1.49)
Guarantee commitments (taken) Refer Note below  -  - 
   ( - )  ( - ) 
Note for Guarantee commitments (taken) :
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
Type of LoanReferred in (a) (i) aboveReferred in (a)(i) and (a) (iv) above
Secured Loans              61,390.78  - 
(Personal guarantees of Mr. Radhakishan Damani and Mr. Gopikishan Damani)            (48,474.04) ( - ) 
Unsecured Loan -                            -  
(Personal guarantees of Mr. Radhakishan Damani, Mr. Gopikishan Damani, Mrs.Kirandevi Damani , Mrs.Shrikantdevi Damani and Company referred in (a) (iv)) ( - )                (4,000.00)
Note for Guarantee commitments (Given) :
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
Type of LoanReferred in (a) (iii) above
Secured Loans                1,600.00
(Corporate guarantee given for Align Retail Trades P Ltd. working capital limits)              (1,600.00)
Figures in bracket rebrsent brvious year figures
NOTE - 32Premises given on operating lease as per AS 19:
I.Premises and fixed assets given on operating lease :
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
Gross carrying amount                2,822.53                 2,822.53
Debrciation for the year                    105.52                    105.45
Accumulated Debrciation                    660.12                    554.60
The total future minimum lease rental receivable at the Balance Sheet date is as under:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
Lease rent Income recognized in the Profit and Loss Account of the current year (Including contingent rent Rs. 3.80 lac vs:  (Previous Year Rs.4.06 Lac)                   772.98                    720.95
- For a period not later than one year                   704.79                    301.62
- For a period later than one year and not later than 5 years                1,446.76                 1,048.95
- For a period later than five years                   466.47                    726.58
Premises and fixed assets are given on operating lease for various agreement periods ranging from 3 years to 9 years.
Variable rent for certain stores is receivable in accordance with the lease agreement as the higher of (a) fixed minimum guarantee amount and (b) revenue share percentage.
II.Premises taken on operating lease :
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
Lease rent Expenses recognized in the Profit and Loss Account of the current year                   687.11                    548.94
The total future minimum lease rent payable at the Balance Sheet date :  
 - For a period not later than one year                    842.94                    669.73
 - For a period later than one year and not later than 5 years                 3,118.00                 2,515.03
 -For a period later than five years               10,412.13                 1,497.32
Premises are taken on operating lease for various agreement periods ranging from 3 years to 30 years.
NOTE - 33Directors' Remuneration
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
 Salary, allowances, etc.                    110.30                    110.78
 Bonus/Incentive                    500.00                      55.25
 Total                    610.30                    166.03
The employee-wise break-up of amounts relating to employee benefits based on actuarial valuation is not ascertainable. These amounts relatable to the Directors is, therefore, disclosed in the year of payment.
NOTE - 34Capital Commitments
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
 Estimated amounts of contracts remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for               24,313.78               14,211.13
 (Net of advances)   
NOTE - 35Contingent Liabilities
Claims against the company not acknowledged as debts:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
a) Income Tax Matters                       46.34                      27.29
b) Vat Matters                     328.09                      10.60
c) Other Matters                         0.80                        0.80
d)The Company has received notices for recovery of dues amounting to Rs.241.13 Lacs pertaining to a brmises acquired by the Company. As per the  terms of the agreement with the seller of the brmises in the event of a libility devolveng on the Company ,the same shall be recoverable from the Seller.
It is not practiable for the Company to estimate the timings of cash outflows , if any in respect of above pending resolutions of the respective proceedings.
NOTE - 36Computation of Earnings Per Share
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
Profit after tax              15,963.25                 9,241.89
Profits for the purpose of EPS              15,963.25                 9,241.89
Weighted average number of Equity Shares for Basic EPS (Nos)          545,051,229           538,110,625
Weighted average number of Equity Shares for Diluted EPS(Nos)          546,187,803           538,110,625
EPS ` � Basic                       2.93                        1.72
EPS ` � Diluted                       2.92                        1.72
Face value per share `                     10.00                      10.00
Note : Amounts in ` Lacs unless otherwise stated
NOTE - 37Disclosure in terms of Accounting Standard 15-Employee Benefits:
a. Defined Benefit Plans - Gratuity :
i) Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of Defined Benefit obligation:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Defined Benefit obligation at beginning of the year                   224.21                    145.86
Current Service Cost                              74.65 46.76
Interest Cost                              17.94 12.39
Actuarial (gain) / loss                              42.38 28.06
Benefits paid                   (11.23)                      (8.86)
Defined Benefit obligation at year end                   347.95                    224.21
ii)Expense recognized under employment costs during the year :
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Current Service Cost                     74.65                      46.76
Interest Cost                     17.94                      12.39
Expected Returns on Plan Assets                   (13.06)                           -  
Actuarial (gain) / loss                     46.69                      28.00
Net Cost                   126.22                      87.15
iii)Actuarial assumptions
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Mortality Table (LIC)LIC(1994-96)UltLIC(1994-96)Ult
Discount rate (per annum)9.29%8.0%
Rate of escalation in salary (per annum)8.0%7.0%
The estimates of rate of escalation in salary considered in actuarial valuation, take into account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors including supply and demand in the employment market. 
iv)Fair Value  of Plan Assets
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Fair Value  of plan assets at the beginning of the period                   150.09                            -  
Expected Returns On The Plan Assets                     13.06                            -  
Contributions                   149.21                    150.03
Transfer from other Company                           -                              -  
Transfer to other Conpany                           -                              -  
Benefit paid from the fund                           -                              -  
Acturial Gains/(Losses) on Plan Assets                     (4.31)                       0.06
Fair Value of Plan Assets  at year  end                    308.05                    150.09
v)Actual Returns On Plan Assets
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Expected Returns On The Plan Assets                     13.06                            -  
Acturial Gains/(Losses) on Plan Assets                     (4.31)                       0.06
Actual Retun On Plan Assets                        8.75                        0.06
vi)Amount Recognised  In The Balance Sheet
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Fair Value of Plan Assets  at year  end                    308.04                    150.09
(Present Value of Benefit Obligation at year end)                 (347.95)                  (224.21)
Funded Status                   (39.91)                    (74.12)
Unrecognised Past Service Cost at year end                           -                              -  
Unrecognised Transitional Liability at year end                           -                              -  
Net Liability /Assets Recognised In the Balance Sheet                    (39.91)                    (74.12)
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 As at March 31, 2012As at March 31, 2011As at March 31, 2010
Fair Value of plan asset  at year end                             308.04                             150.09                          -                            -                            -  
Defined Benefit obligation at year end                   347.95                    224.21                  145.86                    97.25                    66.02
Actuarial (gain) / loss                     42.38                      28.06                      6.29                    (1.94)                   18.04
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
b)Amount recognized in the Profit and Loss Account under the defined contribution plan                   320.38                    229.59
NOTE - 38Value of imports calculated on CIF basis:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Traded Goods                        3,789.05                          1,248.23
Capital Goods                           -                      134.28
NOTE - 39Expenditure in Foreign Currency:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
For Services                     18.67                      16.19
On Foreign Travel                     26.30                      18.67
NOTE - 40 Employee Stock option Plan
The ESOP Committee of the Board of Directors of Avenue Supermarts Limited has granted Stock Options to certain eligible employees pursuant to the Avenue Supermarts Limited  �Employees Stock Options Scheme 2013' (�Scheme�).The Vesting period is 1 year from the Grant date and the Exercise period is 3 months from Vesting date. The Scheme is administered by the ESOP Committee .The Company shall issue not more than 35,000 Options per Employee under this Scheme. During the year the Company granted of 42,76,800 employee stock options to all the eligible employees of the Company at an exercise price of Rs. 17/- per option.
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Number of Options granted , exercised and forfeited  
Balance as the beginning of the year                           -                              -  
Granted during the year              4,276,800                            -  
Less:- Exercised during the year                           -                              -  
Forefeited / Lapsed during the Year                           -                              -  
Balance as at the end of the Year              4,276,800                            -  
Percentage to current paid up equity share capital0.78%
The Company has applied the intrinsic value based method of accounting for determining compensation cost for its stock based compensation plan and has accordingly accounted Rs. 5.45 lacs as compensation cost under the �intrinsic value' method. Had the Company considered �fair value' method for accounting of compensation cost, the Company's net income and Basic and Diluted earnings per share as reported would have reduced to the pro-forma amounts as indicated:
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Net Profit after Tax as reported              15,963.25                 9,241.89
Less:- Stock based employee compensation expenses                     49.33                            -  
Adjusted Pro-forma               15,913.92                            -  
Basic Earning per share reported                       2.93                        1.72
Pro-forma basic earning per share                       2.92                        1.72
Diluted earning per share as reported                       2.92                        1.72
Pro-forma diluted earning per share                       2.91                        1.72
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Risk free Interest rate8.36%                           -  
Expected Volatility50.49%                           -  
Dividend Yield -                            -  
NOTE - 41Since the Company is not engaged in any manufacturing activity, disclosures on account of Raw Material Consumption/ Value of Imported and Indigenous Material Consumed are not applicable.
NOTE - 42The Company is dealing in a large number of products, viz. household goods, crockery and cutlery, grocery, foodstuff, apparels, etc. In view of the multiplicity of items sold in terms of product characteristics, the disclosure under broad heads in respect of purchases and sales as required under Section 211(4) of the Companies Act, 1956 is not practically possible.
NOTE - 43The Company regards the business of retail as a single reportable segment. Further, the Company operates within single geographical segment. Accordingly, disclosures required under Accounting Standard � 17 �Segment Reporting� are not applicable.
NOTE - 44The brvious year figures have been regrouped and/or rearranged to conform to this year's figures.
As per our report of even dateFor and on behalf of Board of Directors
For Dalal and Shah 
Firm Registration Number 102021WIgnatius Navil Noronha-Managing Director
Chartered Accountants
S. VenkateshRamakant Baheti - Director-Finance

Membership No.037942

Notes to the financial statements


1.    General Information

Avenue Supermarts Limited (the �Company�) is engaged in the business of organized retailand operates supermarkets under the brand name of �D-Mart� having brsence in west and south regions of India. The Company is having 62 operational stores as at March 31, 2014.


2.    Summary of significant Accounting Policies and Practices

2.1.  Basis of Preparation of Accounts

The financial statements are brpared under the historical cost convention on an accrual basis and comply with the Accounting Standards, referred to in Section 211(3C) of the Companies Act, 1956 and generally accepted accounting practices in India.


All the assets and liabilities have been classified as current or non-current as per the Company's normal operating cycle and other criteria set out in Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. Based on the nature of products and the time between the acquisition of assets for processing and their realization in cash and cash equivalent, the Company has ascertained its operating cycle 12 months.                                                                                                       

2.2.  Use of estimates

The brparation of financial statements in conformity with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles requires estimates and assumptions to be made that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities on the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates and differences between actual results and estimates are recognized in the periods in which the results are known / materialise.


2.3.  Fixed Assets and Debrciation / Amortisation

I.        Fixed Assets are stated at their original cost of acquisition less accumulated debrciation and accumulated impairment losses thereon, if any. Cost comprises cost of acquisition and any attributable cost of bringing the asset to the condition for its intended use.

II.        Debrciation on fixed assets is provided on the Written Down Value method at the rates, and in the manner brscribed in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956.  Debrciation on additions to fixed assets during the year is provided on pro-rata basis from the date of such addition.The useful life of the assets of the Company is higher than the rates provided in Schedule XIV to the companies act, 1956.

III.        Intangible Assets are stated at their cost of acquisition, less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses, if any, thereon. An intangible asset is recognized, where it is probable that the future economic benefits attributable to the asset will flow to the enterprise and where its cost can be reliably measured. The debrciable amount of intangible assets is allocated over the best estimate of its useful life on a straight line basis.Trademarks and Software is amortised over a period of 5 years.

IV.        Leasehold land and brmium paid for land under Built Operate and Transfer arrangement is amortised over the period of lease/arrangement.

V.        Leasehold improvement assets are amortised over the period of primary lease period.


2.4.  Investments

Long term investments are stated at Cost. A provision for diminution is made to recognize the decline, other than temporary, in the value of Long Term Investments. Current investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value.


2.5.  Inventories

Inventories are valued at lower of cost and net realizable value. Cost of inventories, comprise all costs of purchase incurred in bringing the inventories to their brsent condition and location. Cost is determined by the weighted average cost method.


2.6.  Revenue Recognition

Revenue is recognized when it is earned and no significant uncertainty exists as to its realization or collection. Retail sales and revenues are recognized on delivery of merchandise to the customer, when the property in the goods is transferred for a price, and significant risks and rewards have been transferred and no effective ownership control is retained. Sales are net of discounts.

The property in the merchandise of third party consignment stock does not pass to the Company. Since, however, the sale of such stock forms a part of the activities of the Company, the gross sales values and cost of the merchandise are disclosed separately and form part of Revenue in the Statement of Profit and Loss.


2.7.  Foreign Currency Transactions

Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded at the exchange rate brvailing on the date of the transaction. Monetary items denominated in foreign currency and outstanding at the Balance Sheet date are translated at the exchange rate brvailing at the close of the year.

Exchange differences are recognized as income or expense in the period in which they arise.


2.8.  Taxation

Income-tax expense comprises current taxand deferred tax. Provision for current tax is made on the basis of the assessable income at the tax rate applicable to the relevant assessment year and in accordance with income tax law. The deferred tax asset and deferred tax liability is calculated by applying tax rate and tax laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted by the Balance Sheet date. Deferred tax assets arising on account of brought forward losses and unabsorbed debrciation under tax laws, are recognised, only if there is a virtual certainty of its realisation, supported by convincing evidence. Deferred tax assets on account of other timing differences are recognised only to the extent there is a reasonable certainty of its realisation. At each Balance Sheet date, the carrying amount of deferred tax assets is reviewed to reassure realisation.


2.9.  Impairment of Assets

Impairment of assets is ascertained at each balance sheet date, if there are any indications of impairment based on internal / external factors. An impairment loss is recognized in the Profit and Loss Account, whenever the carrying amount of an asset exceeds its recoverable amount.


2.10.       Borrowing costs

Interest and other borrowing costs attributable to qualifying assets are capitalised. Other interest and borrowing costs are charged to revenue.


2.11.       Employee Benefits

Defined Contribution Plans such as Provident Fund etc., are charged to the statement of Profit and Loss Account as incurred.

Defined Benefit Plans - The brsent value of the obligation under such plan, is determined based on an actuarial valuation using the Projected Unit Credit Method. Actuarial gains and losses arising on such valuation are recognised immediately in the Profit and Loss Account. The Company does not have any funded Defined Benefit Plans.Other long-term employee benefits are recognized in the same manner as defined benefit plans. Termination benefits are recognised as and when incurred.


2.12.       Provisions

A provision is recognised when there is a brsent obligation as a result of a past event, that probably requires an outflow of resources and a reliable estimate can be made to settle the amount of obligation. Provision is not discounted to its brsent value and is determined based on the best estimate required to settle the obligation at the year end. These are reviewed at each year end and adjusted to reflect the best current estimate.

Mumbai, _________Ashu Gupta - Company Secretary
Mumbai, _________

Disclosure of employee benefits explanatory

NOTE - 37Disclosure in terms of Accounting Standard 15-Employee Benefits:
a. Defined Benefit Plans - Gratuity :
i) Reconciliation of opening and closing balances of Defined Benefit obligation:
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Defined Benefit obligation at beginning of the year                   224.21                    145.86
Current Service Cost                              74.65 46.76
Interest Cost                              17.94 12.39
Actuarial (gain) / loss                              42.38 28.06
Benefits paid                   (11.23)                      (8.86)
Defined Benefit obligation at year end                   347.95                    224.21
ii)Expense recognized under employment costs during the year :
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Current Service Cost                     74.65                      46.76
Interest Cost                     17.94                      12.39
Expected Returns on Plan Assets                   (13.06)                           -  
Actuarial (gain) / loss                     46.69                      28.00
Net Cost                   126.22                      87.15
iii)Actuarial assumptions
 (Amount in ` Lacs) 
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Mortality Table (LIC)LIC(1994-96)UltLIC(1994-96)Ult
Discount rate (per annum)9.29%8.0%
Rate of escalation in salary (per annum)8.0%7.0%
The estimates of rate of escalation in salary considered in actuarial valuation, take into account inflation, seniority, promotion and other relevant factors including supply and demand in the employment market. 
iv)Fair Value  of Plan Assets
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Fair Value  of plan assets at the beginning of the period                   150.09                            -  
Expected Returns On The Plan Assets                     13.06                            -  
Contributions                   149.21                    150.03
Transfer from other Company                           -                              -  
Transfer to other Conpany                           -                              -  
Benefit paid from the fund                           -                              -  
Acturial Gains/(Losses) on Plan Assets                     (4.31)                       0.06
Fair Value of Plan Assets  at year  end                    308.05                    150.09
v)Actual Returns On Plan Assets
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Expected Returns On The Plan Assets                     13.06                            -  
Acturial Gains/(Losses) on Plan Assets                     (4.31)                       0.06
Actual Retun On Plan Assets                        8.75                        0.06
vi)Amount Recognised  In The Balance Sheet
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
Fair Value of Plan Assets  at year  end                    308.04                    150.09
(Present Value of Benefit Obligation at year end)                 (347.95)                  (224.21)
Funded Status                   (39.91)                    (74.12)
Unrecognised Past Service Cost at year end                           -                              -  
Unrecognised Transitional Liability at year end                           -                              -  
Net Liability /Assets Recognised In the Balance Sheet                    (39.91)                    (74.12)
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 As at March 31, 2012As at March 31, 2011As at March 31, 2010
Fair Value of plan asset  at year end                             308.04                             150.09                          -                            -                            -  
Defined Benefit obligation at year end                   347.95                    224.21                  145.86                    97.25                    66.02
Actuarial (gain) / loss                     42.38                      28.06                      6.29                    (1.94)                   18.04
  As at March 31, 2014  As at March 31, 2013 
b)Amount recognized in the Profit and Loss Account under the defined contribution plan                   320.38                    229.59

Disclosure of general information about company

1.    General Information

Avenue Supermarts Limited (the �Company�) is engaged in the business of organized retailand operates supermarkets under the brand name of �D-Mart� having brsence in west and south regions of India. The Company is having 62 operational stores as at March 31, 2014.

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  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost.
Source: Click Here.