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Notes Of Account      
Year End: March 2015


1.0 Accounting Convention:

Financial statements are brpared under the historical cost convention and on accrual basis of accounting and going concern concept, in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in India and the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, including accounting standards notified therein, except otherwise stated.

1.1 Use of estimate

In brparing the financial statements in conformity with Accounting Principles generally accepted in India, management is sometimes required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosures of contingent liability as at the date of financial statements and the amount of revenue and expenses during the reported period. Actual results may differ from those estimates. Any revision to such estimate is recognized in the period in which the same is determined.

2.0 Subsidies / Grants from Government:

2.1 Subsidies / Grants on capital account are deducted from the cost of respective assets to which they relate. The unspent amount at the Balance Sheet date, if any, is shown as current liabilities.

2.2 Subsidies / Grants on revenue account are credited to Statement of Profit & Loss as income and the relevant expenses are debited to the respective heads of expenses. The unspent amount at the Balance Sheet date, if any, is shown as current liabilities.

2.3 Subsidies / Grants from Government received as an implementing agency

2.3.1 Certain Grant / Funds received under S&T, br, EMSC, CCDA etc. as an implementing agency and used for creation of assets are treated as Capital Reserve and debrciation thereon is debited to Capital Reserve Account. The ownership of the asset created through grants lies with the authority from whom the grant is received.

2.3.2 Grant / Funds received as Nodal/Implementing Agency are accounted for on the basis of receipts and disbursement.

3.0 Fixed Assets:

3.1 Land:

Value of land includes cost of acquisition, cash rehabilitation expenses, resettlement cost and compensation in lieu of employment incurred for concerned displaced persons.

3.2 Plant & Machinery:

Plant & Machinery includes cost and expenses incurred for erection / installation and other attributable costs of bringing those assets to working conditions for their intended use.

3.3 Railway Siding:

Pending commissioning, payments made to the railway authorities for construction of railway sidings are shown in Note 12 - "Long Term Loans & Advances" under Advances for Capital.

3.4 Development:

Expenses net of income of the projects / mines under development are booked to Development Account and grouped under Capital Work-in-Progress till the projects / mines are brought to revenue account. Except otherwise specifically stated in the project report to determine the commercial readiness of the project to yield production on a sustainable basis and completion of required development activity during the period of constructions, projects and mines under development are brought to revenue considering the following criteria:

(a) From beginning of the financial year immediately after the year in which the project achieves physical output of 25% of rated capacity as per approved project report, or

(b) 2 years of touching of coal, or

(c) From the beginning of the financial year in which the value of production is more than total, expenses.

- Whichever event occurs first.

4.0 Prospecting & Boring and other Development Expenditure:

The cost of exploration and other development expenditure incurred in one "Five year" plan period will be kept in Capital work-in-progress till the end of subsequent two "Five year" plan periods for formulation of projects, before it is written-off, except in the case of Blocks identified for sale or proposed to be sold to outside agency which will be kept in inventory till finalisation of sale.

5.0 Investments:

Current investments are valued at the lower of cost and fair value as at the Balance Sheet date. Investments in mutual fund are considered as current investments.

Non-Current investments are carried at cost. However, when there is a decline, other than temporary, in the value of the long term investment, the carrying amount is reduced to recognize the decline

6.0 Inventories:

6.1 Book stock of coal / coke is considered in the accounts where the variance between book stock and measured stock is upto +/-5% and in cases where the variance is beyond +/- 5% the measured stock is considered. Such stock are valued at net realisable value or cost whichever is lower.

6.1.1 Coal & coke fines are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value.

6.1.2 Slurry (coking/semi-coking), middling of washeries and by products are valued at net realisable value.

6.2 Stores & Spares:

6.2.1 The closing stock of stores and spare parts has been considered in the accounts as per balances appearing in priced stores ledger of the Central Stores and as per physically verified stores lying at the collieries/units.

6.2.2 Stock of stores & spare parts (which also includes loose tools ) at central & area stores are valued at cost calculated on the basis of weighted average method. The year-end inventory of stores & spare parts lying at collieries / sub-stores / drilling camps/ consuming centres, initially charged off, are valued at issue price of Area Stores, Cost / estimated cost. Workshop jobs including work-in-progress are valued at cost. Similarly stock of stationary at printing brss and medicines at central hospital are valued at cost.

6.2.3 Stock of stationery (other than lying at printing brss), bricks, sand, medicine (except at Central Hospitals), aircraft spares and scraps are not considered in inventory.

6.2.4 Provisions are made at the rate of 100% for unserviceable, damaged and obsolete stores and at the rate of 50% for stores & spares not moved for 5 years.

7.0 Debrciation/amortisation:

7.1 Debrciation on fixed assets is provided on straight line method on the basis of useful life specified in Schedule II of Companies Act 2013 except for assets mentioned below , for which debrciation is provided on the basis of technically estimated useful life which are lower than that envisaged as per schedule II of Companies Act, 2013 to depict a more true and fair rate of debrciation :-

7.2 The residual value of all assets for debrciation purpose is considered as 5% of the original cost of the asset except those item of assets covered under Para 7.3

7.3 In case of assets namely Coal tub, winding ropes, haulage ropes, stowing pipes & safety lamps the technically estimated useful life has been determined to be one year with a nil residual value.

7.4 Debrciation on the assets added / disposed of during the year is provided on pro-rata basis with reference to the month of addition / disposal, except on those assets with one year useful life and nil residual value as mention under Para 7.3, which are fully debrciated in the year of their addition. These Assets are taken out from the Assets after expiry of two years following the year in which these are fully debrciated.

7.5 Value of land acquired under Coal Bearing Area (Acquisition & Development) Act, 1957 is amortised on the basis of the balance life of the project. Value of leasehold land is amortised on the basis of lease period or balance life of the project whichever is earlier.

7.6 Prospecting, Boring and Development expenditure are amortised from the year when the mine is brought under revenue in 20 years or working life of the project whichever is less.

7.7 Cost of Software recognized as intangible asset, is amortised on straight line method over a period of legal right to use or three years, whichever is less; with a nil residual value.

8.0 Impairment of Asset:

Impairment loss is recognised wherever the carrying amount of an asset is in excess of its recoverable amount and the same is recognized as an expense in the statement of profit and loss and carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable amount.

Reversal of impairment losses recognised in prior years is recorded when there is an indication that the impairment losses recognised for the asset no longer exist or have decreased.

9.0 Foreign Currency Transactions:

9.1 Balance of foreign currency transactions is translated at the rates brvailing on the Balance Sheet date and the corresponding effect is given in the respective accounts. Transactions completed during the period are adjusted on actual basis.

9.2 Transactions covered by cross currency swap options contracts to be settled on future dates are recognised at the rates brvailing on the Balance Sheet date, of the underlying foreign currency. Effects arising out of such contracts are taken into accounts on the date of settlement.

10.0 Retirement benefits / other employee benefits:

a) Defined contributions plans:

The company has defined contribution plans for payment of Provident Fund and Pension Fund benefits to its employees. Such Provident Fund and Pension Fund are maintained and operated by the Coal Mines Provident Fund (CMPF) Authorities. As per the rules of these schemes, the company is required to contribute a specified percentage of pay roll cost to the CMPF Authorities to fund the benefits.

b) Defined benefits plans:

The liability on the Balance Sheet date on account of gratuity and leave encashment is provided for on actuarial valuation basis by applying projected unit credit method. Further the company has created a Trust with respect to establishment of Funded Group Gratuity (cash accumulation) Scheme through Life Insurance Corporation of India. Contribution is made to the said fund based on the actuarial valuation.

c) Other employee benefits:

Further liability on the Balance Sheet date of certain other employee benefits viz. benefits on account of LTA/ LTC; Life Cover Scheme, Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme, Settlement Allowance, Post Retirement Medical Benefits Scheme and compensation to dependants of deceased in mines accidents etc. are also valued on actuarial basis by applying projected unit credit method.

11.0 Recognition of Income and Expenditure:

Income and Expenditure are generally recognised on accrual basis and provision is made for all known liabilities.

11.1 Sales

a) Revenue in respect of sales is recognised when the property in the goods with the risks and rewards of ownership are transferred to the buyer.

b) Sale of coal are net of statutory dues and accepted deduction made by customer on account of quality of coal.

c) The revenue recognition is done where there is reasonable certainty of collection. On the other hand, revenue recognition is postponed in case of uncertainty as assessed by management.

11.2 Dividend

Dividend income is recognised when right to receive is established.

12.0 Borrowing Costs:

Borrowing Cost directly attributable to the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets is capitalised. Other borrowing costs are recognised as expenses in the period in which they are incurred.

13.0 Taxation:

Provision of current income tax is made in accordance with the Income Tax Act., 1961. Deferred tax liabilities and assets are recognised at substantively enacted tax rates, subject to the consideration of prudence, on timing difference, being the difference between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent period.

14.0 Provision:

A provision is recognised when an enterprise has a brsent obligation as a result of past event; it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit will be required to settle the obligation, in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. Provisions are not discounted to brsent value and are determined based on best estimate required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date.

15.0 Contingent Liability:

Contingent liability is a possible obligation that arises from past events and the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the enterprise or a brsent obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because it is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit will be required to settle the obligations or reliable estimate of the amount of the obligations can not be made.

Contingent liabilities are not provided for in the accounts and are disclosed by way of Notes.

16.0 Overburden Removal (OBR) Expenses :

In open cast mines with rated capacity of one million tonnes per annum and above, cost of OBR is charged on technically evaluated average ratio (COAL:OB) at each mine with due adjustment for advance stripping and ratio-variance account after the mines are brought to revenue. Net of balances of advance stripping and ratio variance at the Balance Sheet date is shown as cost of removal of OB under the head Non - Current Assets/ Long Term Provisions as the case may be.

17.0 Prior Period Adjustments and Prepaid Expenses:

Income / expenditures relating to prior period and brpaid expenses, which do not exceed Rs 0.10 Crore in each case, are treated as income / expenditure of current year

xxiii) Significant accounting policy

Significant accounting policy (Note-33) has been suitably modified / re-drafted over brvious year, as found necessary to elucidate the accounting policies adopted by the company.

xxiv) Change in Accounting Policy regarding capitalisation of certain costs in acquisition of land.

During the year the Accounting Policy on capitalisation of value of land acquired has been changed, in as much as compensation in lieu of employment incurred for displaced persons is being considered as part of cost of land acquired and capitalised. Such cost was brviously being charged off as revenue expenses. Such change is made effective from the financial year 2014-15 onwards only and no such transaction has taken place during the year in NEC, the only production unit under CIL (Standalone).

xxv) Previous year's figures

Previous year's figures have been regrouped and rearranged wherever considered necessary.

Figures in the parentheses relating to Note nos. 1 to 19 (Balance Sheet items) correspond to position as on 31.03.2014 and figures relating to Note nos. 20 to 32 (Profit & Loss items) correspond to year ended 31.03.2014.

Note 1 to 19 form part of the Balance Sheet as at 31st March 2015 and 20 to 32 form part of Statement of Profit & Loss for the period ended on that date. Note - 33 rebrsents Significant Accounting Policies and Note - 34 rebrsents additional notes on the Accounts.


Company Secretary


General Manager(Finance)


Director (Finance)

(DIN - 03204505)

S. Bhattacharya

Chairman- Cum-Managing Director

 (DIN - 00423572)

As per our report annexed For Chaturvedi & Co.

Chartered Accountants

FR No. 302137E



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Date : 28th May, 2015

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  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost.
Source: Click Here.