Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and changes in estimates explanatory Annual Accounts 2013-14 NOTE 1: SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: 1. Basis of Preparation of Financial Statements: The accounts of the Company have been brpared under the historical cost convention in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in India, the provisions of the Companies Act, the accounting standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules, 2006 and the Housing Finance Companies (NHB) Directions, 2010 issued by National Housing Bank (NHB) as adopted consistently by the Company. 2. Revenue Recognition: a. Income is recognised in accordance with Accounting Standard AS-9 on “Revenue Recognition” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India except income from Non Performing Assets (NPA) which is recognised as per the prudential norms issued by NHB. b. The application fees, front-end-fees, administrative fees and processing fees on loans are accounted for on realisation. 3. Borrowing Cost: The ancillary cost of raising the borrowings namely brokerage charges, arranger’s fees, stamp duty etc. are treated as expenditure in the financial year in which they are incurred. 4. Provision on Non Performing Assets: Non-performing assets are identified and categorized into Sub-standard, Doubtful and Loss category based on the guidelines issued by NHB. Provisions for Non-performing assets are made in accordance with the said guidelines. 5. Grants and Subsidies: (a) The Company acts as a channelising agency for disbursement of grants / subsidies under various schemes of the Government and Government Agencies. The Company receives the amount of such grants/subsidies and disburses them to eligible parties in accordance with the schemes of the relevant grants/subsidies. The undisbursed grants / subsidies as at the year-end are shown as a part of Current Liabilities. Where grants/ subsidies disbursed exceed the related amount received, such amount receivable from Government / Government Agencies is shown as a part of other Loans and Advances. (b) Grants received from KfW, a German financing agency, in respect of certain schemes for economically weaker sections / low-income groups are also dealt with in the manner described at (a) above. Interest earned on loans given under certain specified schemes is shown under “Current Liabilities” and is utilised as per the terms of the agreement with KfW. 6. Fixed Assets and Debrciation: (i) Tangible Assets (a) Fixed assets are shown at historical cost less accumulated debrciation. In case of properties where lease (sub-lease) / conveyance deed is yet to be executed, the cost is increased by an estimated amount of ten percent of cost of acquisition towards stamp duty/registration charges. (b) Land / Buildings are classified into leasehold and freehold. Cost of leasehold land is amortized over the period of lease on straight-line basis. (c) Flats / Buildings are capitalized at cost including the stamp duty / registration charges etc. and the total value so arrived at is shown under Flats / Buildings till separate details of cost of land and building is available. (d) Payments made for Land / Buildings / Flats where allotment cum possession is pending are shown under Advance against Capital Purchases. (e) Fixed assets received free of cost from Government are recorded at a nominal amount of Rupee one only. Fixed assets acquired out of grants from Government are taken at the acquisition cost to the Company and the related grants are shown separately. Such assets are also debrciated in the normal manner. The debrciation for the year is arrived net of debrciation on grant assets.
(f) Debrciation is provided on written down value method, in accordance with the rates specified in Schedule XIV of the Companies Act, 1956, except: (i) On assets costing upto Rs.5000/- per item which are clubbed under "Miscellaneous Assets" and