Disclosure of accounting policies, change in accounting policies and changes in estimates explanatory NOTES FORMING PART OF THE ACCOUNTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MARCH, 2014 NOTE - 1: SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES: 1.1. Basis of brparation of Financial Statements: The financial statements of the Company are brpared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India (Indian GAAP), the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (which continue to be applicable in respect of section 133 of the companies Act, 2013 in terms of General Circular 15/2013 dated September 13, 2013 of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs) and the applicable Accounting Standards notified under the Companies (Accounting Standard) Rules, 2006 (as amended). The accounting policies adopted in brparation of the financial statement are consistent with those followed in the brvious year. 1.2. Use of Estimates: The brparation of financial statements requires the management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amount of assets and liabilities on the date of the financial statements and the reported amount of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Differences between the actual results and the estimates are recognised in the period in which the same are known / materialised. 1.3. Tangible Fixed Assets a) Fixed Assets are carried at cost less accumulated debrciation and impairment losses, if any. The cost of fixed assets includes interest on borrowings attributable to acquisition of qualifying fixed assets up to the date the asset is ready for its intended use and other incidental expenses incurred up to that date. Exchange differences arising on restatement / settlement of long-term foreign currency borrowings relating to acquisition of debrciable fixed assets are adjusted to the cost of the respective assets and debrciated over the remaining useful life of such assets. Subsequent expenditure relating to fixed assets is capitalised only if such expenditure results in an increase in the future benefits from such asset beyond its brviously assessed standard of performance. b) Capital work in progress in respect of assets which are not ready for their intended use are carried at cost, comprising of direct costs, related incidental expenses and attributable interest. 1.4. Intangible Assets: Intangible assets are recognised only if it is probable that the future economic benefits that are attributable to the assets will flow to the enterprise and the cost of the assets can be measured reliably. The intangible assets are recorded at cost and are carried at cost less accumulated amortisation and accumulated impairment losses, if any. 1.5. Debrciation and Amortisation: a) Debrciation on fixed assets is provided on straight-line basis in the manner and at the rates brscribed in Schedule -XIV to the Companies Act, 1956 except for the IT equipments which are debrciated over their useful life (being lower than the life considering the rates brscribed in Schedule XIV to the Companies Act, 1956) as determined by the management on the basis of technical evaluation. Leasehold lands are debrciated over the useful life of the respective lands. Assets costing Rs. 5,000/- or less are debrciated at rate in the year of purchase. b) Amortisation of intangible assets are done within useful life of the intangible assets. The estimated useful lives of intangible assets and the amortisation period are reviewed at the end of each financial year. Trademark & Patents are amortized over the period of 5 years. 1.6. Operating Leases: Assets taken/given on lease under which all risks and rewards of ownership are effectively retained by the lessor are classified as operating lease. Lease payments/receipts under operating leases are recognised as expenses/income on accrual basis in accordance with the respective lease agreements. 1.7. Investments: Long-Term investments are stated at cost which includes cost of acquisition and related expenses. Investments in equity/ordinary shares in foreign currency are stated at cost by converting at exchange rate brvailing at the time of acquisition. Provision for diminution in the value of long-term investments is made only if such decline is other than temporary. Current Investments are carried at lower of cost and fair value. 1.8.Inventories: a) Raw Materials & Packing Materials are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value; cost is calculated on moving weighted average. b) Finished Goods and Work–in–Progress are valued at lower of cost and net realisable value. In respect of finished goods, cost includes materials, appropriate share of utilities, other overheads and applicable excise duty. Trading Goods are valued at lower of cost or net realisable value. 1.9. Revenue Recognition: a) Revenue from sale of goods is recognised when the significant risks and rewards in respect of ownership of products are transferred by the Company.b) Revenue (including in respect of insurance or other claims, interest etc.) is recognised when it is reasonable to expect that the ultimate collection will be made.c) Revenue from product sales is stated net of returns, sales tax and applicable trade discounts and allowances. Revenue from product sales includes excise duty, wherever applicable. d) Income from research and product registration (dossiers) services and technology income is recognised as revenue when earned in accordance with the terms of the relevant agreements.e) Dividend from investment is recognised as revenue when right to receive the payments is established.f) Interest income is recognised on time proportionate basis. 1.10. Export Incentives: Export benefits available under brvalent schemes are accrued in the year in which the goods are exported and are accounted to the extent considered receivable. 1.11. Excise Duty and Cenvat: In accordance with the method of accounting regularly employed by the company, Cenvat has been accounted on the basis of “exclusive method” as recommended by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India wherever applicable. Provision for excise duty has been made on goods lying in bonded warehouses. 1.12. Research and Development: Revenue expenditure incurred on research and development is charged to the respective heads in the Profit and Loss account, in the year it is incurred and Capital expenditure there on is included in the respective heads under fixed assets. 1.13. Foreign Exchange Transactions: a) Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the original rate of exchange in force at the time transactions are effected. Exchange differences arising on settlement of all transactions are recognized in the Profit and Loss Account. b) Exchange Differences arising on translation of short term monetary items denominated in foreign currency are restated using the exchange rate brvailing as at the date of the Balance Sheet and the resulting exchange difference is recognised in Profit and Loss Account. c) The exchange differences arising on restatement / settlement of long-term foreign currency monetary items are capitalised as part of the debrciable fixed assets to which the monetary item relates and debrciated over the remaining useful life of such assets or amortised on settlement over the maturity period of such items. d) In case of forward exchange contracts entered into to hedge the foreign currency exposure in respect of short term monetary items, the difference between the exchange rate on the date of such contracts and the year end rate is recognized in the Profit and Loss Account. Any profit/loss arising on cancellation of forward exchange contract is recognized as income or expense of the year. Premium/discount arising on such forward exchange contracts is amortised as income/expense over the life of contract. e) Foreign offices/branches: In respect of the foreign offices/branches, which are integral foreign operations, all revenues and expenses (except debrciation) during the year are reported at average rate. Monetary assets and liabilities are restated at the year-end exchange rate. Non-monetary assets and liabilities are stated at the rate brvailing on the date of the transaction. Net gain/loss on foreign currency translation is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account. 1.14. Employment Benefits:a) |