2.3 Employees Stock OptionThe bank has allotted 16,23,479 (PY 71,91,961) equity shares during the year to its eligible employees who have exercised their options granted under ESOS of the Bank.
2.4 In accordance with the RBI circular DBOD. No. BPBC.2/21.06.201/2013-14 dated 01.07.2013, banks are required to make half yearly Pillar III disclosures under Basel III capital requirements with effect from 30th September, 2013.The disclosures have been made available on the banks website.
2.6 Dividend and Dividend Tax includes interim dividend, final dividend, dividend tax for the year and dividend paid on shares allotted through QIP in July 2014.
2.7 There are no dues to Micro and Small Enterprises calling for disclosure as at 31st March 2016 as per the records available.
2.8 In accordance with RBI circular DBR.BP.BC.No.31/21.04.018/2015-16 dated 16th July 2015, the Bank has classified the deposits placed with NABARD / SIDBI / NHB for meeting shortfall in priority sector lending under "Other Assets", which were hitherto included under the head "Investments".
2.9 Previous year's figures have been regrouped wherever necessary to conform to the current year classification.
The financial statements are brpared on historical cost convention and on accrual basis of accounting, unless otherwise stated, by following going concern assumption and conform to the statutory provisions, regulatory guidelines, Accounting Standards, Guidance Notes issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and practices brvailing in the banking industry in India.
Income and Expenditure are accounted on accrual basis, except the following;
a. Interest on non-performed advances and non-performing investments is recognized as per norms laid down by Reserve Bank of India.
b. Interest on overdue bills, commission, exchange, brokerage and rent on lockers are accounted on realization.
c. Dividend is accounted when the right to receive the same is established.
In case of suit filed accounts, related legal and the expenses incurred are charged to Profit and Loss Account and on recovery the same are accounted as income.
a. Assets and Liabilities denominated in Foreign Currencies are translated at the rates notified by FEDAI at the close of the year. Profit or Loss accruing from such transactions is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
b. Income and Expenditure items have been translated at the exchange rates ruling on the date of the transactions.
c. The Bank does not have a branch in any Foreign Country.
d. Outstanding Forward Exchange contracts are revalued at the exchange rates notified by FEDAI and the resultant net gain or loss is recognised in the Profit and Loss Account.
e. Foreign Currency Guarantees, Acceptances, Endorsements and other obligations are reported at the exchange rates brvailing on the date of the Balance Sheet.
4.1 As per RBI guidelines, the investments of the bank are classified into the following categories at the time of acquisition
• Held to Maturity
• Available for Sale l • Held for Trading
They are further sub classified and shown in Balance Sheet under the following six categories:
i) Government Securities ii) Other Approved Securities iii) Shares iv) Debentures and Bonds
v) Subsidiaries /Joint Ventures and vi) Others
a) Securities classified under "Held to Maturity" category are valued at acquisition cost. Where the acquisition cost is higher than the face value, such excess of acquisition cost over the face value is amortised over the remaining period to maturity.
b) Securities held in "Available for Sale" Category are valued scrip wise as under:
i) Government of India Securities are valued at market price as per quotation put out by Primary Dealers' Association of India / Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India & Bloomberg.
ii) State Government loans, Trustee Securities, Securities guaranteed by Central / State Governments and PSU Bonds are valued on appropriate Yield to Maturity (YTM) basis as per Primary Dealers' Association of India / Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India guidelines.
iii) Treasury Bills/ Certificate of Deposits / Commercial Papers are valued at carrying cost.
iv) Equity Shares are valued at market rate if quoted, otherwise at Book Value as per the latest Balance Sheet, if available, or per Company.
v) Preference shares are valued at market price if quoted or at appropriate YTM basis as per Primary Dealers' Association of India / Fixed Income Money Market and Derivatives Association of India guidelines.
vi) Debentures / Bonds are valued at market price, if quoted, otherwise on an appropriate YTM basis.
vii) Mutual Funds are valued at market price, if quoted, or at NAV or Market Price/ Repurchase Price.
viii) Security Receipts are valued at NAV as declared by Securitisation companies.
c) Individual scrips under "Held for Trading" category are valued at Market Price.
4.2 Individual scrips in Available for Sale / Held for Trading are valued at scrip wise aggregated category wise and net debrciation, if any, for each category is charged to Profit & Loss Account, while net apbrciation, if any, is ignored.
4.3 Shifting of securities from one category to another category is carried out lower of acquisition cost / book value / market value on the date of transfer. The debrciation, if any on such transfer is fully provided for.
4.4 Profit / Loss on sale of Investments in any category is taken to the Profit & Loss Account. However, in case of sale of investment in "Held to Maturity" category, the profit is first credited to Profit and Loss Account and thereafter an amount equivalent to profit, net of statutory reserve and taxes, is appropriated to the Capital Reserve Account.
4.5 Commission, brokerage, broken period interest etc. on securities incurred on acquisition is debited to Profit and Loss account. Commission, incentives, brokerage received on subscription is deducted from the cost of the securities.
4.6 The Investments shown in the Balance Sheet are net of Debrciation, if any.
4.7 The Non Performing Investments are identified and provided for as per RBI guidelines. 5. ADVANCES
5.1 Advances have been classified as per the Asset Classification norms laid down by the Reserve Bank of India. The required provisioning for Standard Assets and for Non Performing Assets have been made as per the Regulatory Norms.
5.2 Advances shown in the Balance Sheet are net of provisions and interest reserve on NPA accounts, Technical write offs, ECGC / DICGC claims received and provisions for Restructured accounts
5.3 Partial recoveries in Non Performing Assets are apportioned first towards charges and interest, thereafter towards principal with the exception of non performing advances involving compromise settlements in which case the recoveries are first adjusted towards principal.
6.1 Premises and other Fixed Assets are accounted at acquisition cost less debrciation.
6.2 Debrciation has been provided on the composite value for brmises acquired with land and building, where cost of the land is not separately identifiable.
6.3 With effective from April 1, 2014, in accordance with the Companies Act, 2013, the Bank has provided debrciation based on useful life of the assets in line with Schedule II of the Companies Act, 2013. Further the method of debrciation is on Straight line method (SLM) in respect of all fixed assets. Debrciation on assets purchased and sold during the year is provided on pro rata basis.
7.1 Provision towards leave encashment is accounted on actuarial basis in accordance with the guidelines contained in Accounting Standard 15 (revised 2005) issued by ICAI.
7.2 Liability for Gratuity to staff is contributed to the Group Gratuity Life Assurance Scheme of the Life Insurance Corporation of India.
7.3 Payments to defined contribution schemes such as Provident Fund and Employees Pension Fund Superannuation Scheme of Life Insurance Corporation of India are charged as expenses as they fall due.
The Employee Stock Option Scheme provides for grant of equity stock options to employees that vest in a graded manner. The Bank follows the intrinsic value method to account for its employee compensation costs arising from grant of such options. The excess of fair market price over the exercise price shall be accounted as employee compensation cost in the year of vesting. The fair market price is the latest closing price of the shares on the stock exchanges in which shares of the Bank are largely traded immediately prior to the date of meeting of the compensation committee in which the options are granted.
The Bank recognises the Business Segment as the Primary Reporting Segment and Geographical Segment as the Secondary Reporting Segment, in accordance with the RBI guidelines and in compliance with the Accounting Standard 17.
Business Segment is classified into (a) Treasury (b) Corporate and Wholesale Banking, (c) Retail Banking and (d) other Banking Operations.
Basic earning per share is calculated by dividing the net profit of the year by the weighted average number of equity shares.
Diluted earning per share is computed using the weighted average number of equity shares and dilutive potential equity shares.
An assessment is made at each balance sheet date whether there is any indication that an asset is impaired. If any such indication exists, an estimate of the recoverable amount is made and impairment loss, if any, is provided for.
12.1 In conformity with AS 29 "Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets" issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Bank recognizes provision only when:
a) It has a brsent obligation as a result of a past event.
b) It is probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and
c) When a reliable estimate of the amount of the obligation can be made.
12.2 No provision is recognized for:
i. Any possible obligation that arises from past events and the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the bank; or
ii. Any brsent obligation that arises from past events but is not recognized because
a. It is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation or
b. A reliable estimate of the amount of obligation cannot be made.
Such obligations are recorded as Contingent Liabilities. These are assessed at regular intervals and only that Part of the obligation for which an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits is probable, is provided for, except in the extremely rare circumstances where no reliable estimate can be made.
12.3 Contingent Assets are not recognized in the financial statements.
Income Tax comprises current tax and deferred tax for the year. The deferred tax assets / liability is recognised in accordance with Accounting Standard - 22 issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
The Net Profit disclosed in the Profit and Loss Account is after considering:
14.1 Provision for taxes on income in accordance with statutory requirements.
14.2 Provision for bad and doubtful advances and investments.
14.3 Contingent Provision for Standard Assets.
14.4 Other usual and necessary provisions.