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Notes Of Account      
Year End: March 2015



1. Hindustan Copper Limited is a public limited company domiciled in India and earlier incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 now governed by Companies Act 2013. Its Shares are listed and traded on Stock Exchanges in India. The company is engaged in exploration, exploitation, mining of copper and copper ore including beneficiation of minerals, smelting and refining.



The financial statements are brpared under historical cost convention from the books of account maintained under accrual basis and in accordance with the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India / Companies Act 2013.


Financial statements have been brpared based on in-house technical estimates in respect of the following :

- Allocation of service shaft expenses, underground mining expenditure between revenue and capital.

- Metal content in raw materials, WIP and finished goods.

- Credit of anode scrap generation in refinery plants.

- Mineable ore reserves in underground mines.

- Stripping ratio in open cast mines.


3.1 Fixed assets (Tangible) are recorded at cost net of CENVAT and VAT credit wherever applicable less accumulated debrciation and impairment loss, if any.

3.2 Fixed assets (Intangible) other than software are valued at acquisition cost less accumulated amortization. Software considered as intangible assets and are fully charged to revenue in the year of incurrence.

3.3 Pending reconciliation/receipt of the final bills against capital items, capitalization is done on the basis of cost booked and debrciation is charged accordingly. Price differences, if any, are adjusted in the year of finalization of bills.

3.4 In respect of expenditure during construction/development of a new unit/project in a new location, all direct capital expenditure as well as all indirect expenditure incidental to construction are capitalized allocating to various items of fixed assets on an appropriate basis. Expansion programme involving construction concurrently run with normal production activities in an existing unit, all direct capital expenditure in relation to such expansion are capitalized but indirect expenditure are charged to revenue.

3.5 Expenses incurred for implementation of new projects are carried forward against respective projects till execution. Expenses rendered in fructuous projects abandoned subsequently are provided for in the Statement of Profit & Loss.

3.6 Physical verification of Tangible fixed assets is carried out once in every three years. Shortage/excess, if any, is provided for in the year of identification.


Debrciation on (Tangible) fixed assets is provided on straight line method with reference to the useful life of fixed assets brscribed in Part C of Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013 or actual useful life of assets, whichever is lower. Debrciation on assets acquired prior to 01.04.93 is charged on derived rates by allocating the unamortized value over the remaining life of the asset arrived at. Debrciation in respect of plant & machinery and building of new project is charged from the date of start of commercial production.

Software considered as Intangible Assets and are fully amortized in the year in which the expenses are incurred. Assets costing Rs. 5000.00 or less individually are debrciated fully in the year in which they are put to use.


5.1 Current investments are individually valued at lower of cost or fair market value at the end of the accounting period.

5.2 Long term investments (Non-current) are valued at cost. Provision for diminution is made to recognize a decline, other than temporary nature, in the value of investments. 


Fixed assets acquired out of funds provided by the Government by way of grants-in-aid are stated in the books at cost less accumulated debrciation and special reserve created for the same is apportioned over the life of the assets by transfer to Statement of Profit & Loss.


The Company reviews the carrying amount of its fixed assets, whenever circumstances indicate that the carrying amount of the asset is less than the realizable value. The Company assesses recoverability of the carrying value of the assets by grouping assets of entire plant as Cash Generating Unit (CGU). The Company then estimates the discounted future cash flows expected to result from CGU. If the estimated discounted future cash flow expected to result from the use of the asset are less than its carrying amount, the asset is deemed to be impaired. The amount of impairment is measured as the difference between the carrying value and fair market value.


8.1 In case of underground mines : The expenditure on development of a new mine in all cases and on subsequent development of a working mine is capitalized and amortized on the basis of ore raised during the year and the mineable ore reserves estimated from time to time. The ore obtained during development activity is adjusted against such expenditure at its derived realizable value.

8.2 In case of working mines, where development activities are going on simultaneously : Expenses are apportioned between capital and revenue on the basis of in-house technical estimates.

8.3 In respect of open cast mines : The expenditure on removal of waste and overburden, is capitalized and the same is amortized in relation to actual ore production during the year and the stripping ratio of the mine as determined by the company at the weighted average rate. Subsequently, if any ore is reclaimed from overburden, the same is valued on the basis of opening rate of mine development expenditure.

8.4 Expenditure incurred on exploration of new deposits is included in mine development expenditure. If subsequently the exploration activities are found to be not viable, the expenditure on such exploratory work included in mine development expenditure is written off in the year in which it is decided to abandon the project.

8.5 If a working mine is closed due to economic reasons, the unamortized Mine Development Expenditure related to that mine is provided in the books of accounts in the year in which it is decided to close or suspend operation of the mine. If later on, the closed / suspended mines are re-opened and the company remains the owner of the mines, the unamortized Mine Development Expenditure which was fully provided in the year of closure will be written back in the books of accounts in the year of re-opening and the company will be charging amortization year wise based on the estimated remaining life of that mine.


Only revenue expenditure attributable to major overhaul of smelter and/ or refinery is charged off to the Statement of Profit & Loss in the year of incurrence.


Financial implications towards final mine closure plans under relevant Acts and Rules are technically estimated and the involvement , not being material, are charged off on actual incurrence.


11.1 Stocks of stores and spare parts, loose tools and materials-in-transit are valued at the lower of the net realizable value and cost. The raw materials are also valued at the lower of the net realizable value and weighted average cost to the unit if the finished goods in which they will be incorporated are expected to be sold below cost. Loose tools when issued are charged off to revenue.

11.2 Finished goods and work-in-process are valued at the lower of the net realizable value and weighted average cost to the unit. The cost is exclusive of financing cost, such as, interest, bank charges, etc. The value of slag under work-in-process is taken at equivalent value to the extent credited to the process, where the said products have been generated. The reverts under work- in-process are valued at lower of cost (equivalent value of concentrate) and net realizable value. 

11.3 The stock of anode slime arising from treatment and refining processes are stated at realizable value based on the year end London Metal Exchange price for gold and silver after making due adjustments of their physical recovery and the treatment and refining charges.

11.4. Liability for excise duty on finished goods in stock lying at works or warehouses is provided in the accounts and also considered in stock valuation.

11.5 The inventories out of inter-unit transfers at the close of the year are valued on the basis of cost or net realizable value whichever is lower to the transferor unit. No adjustment is made in respect of difference between the cost and transfer price for such transferred products in case of partly processed materials lying at various stages of production and finished stocks at the end of the year, since this is not practically ascertainable.

11.6 Imported materials are valued at the lower of the net realizable value and weighted average cost. In the event where final price is not determined valuation is made on provisional cost. Variations are accounted for in the year of finalization.

11.7 Provision is made in the accounts every year, for non-moving stores and spares (other than insurance spares) which have not moved for more than five years. Insurance spares are fully provided for on the expiry of the life of the relevant Plant & Machinery.

11.8 Scrap sales are accounted for on delivery of material.


In compliance to Section 135 of the Companies Act 2013, a CSR Committee has been formed by the company. The area of CSR activities envisaged are drinking water, health, sanitation, education, vocational skills, environment and animal welfare, livelihood and sports and rural development projects which are specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act 2013. The funds are primarily allocated and utilized throughout the year on these activities through approved trusts / societies as well as directly under the auspices of the company.


13.1 SALES :

13.1.1Sales are net of discounts other than cash discounts.

13.1.2 In case of sale of Copper Concentrate, Copper Reverts, Anode Slime etc. and tolling of Copper Concentrate of Khetri and Malanjkhand origin, sales / tolling at the end of the accounting period are recorded on provisional basis as per standard parameters for want of actual specifications and differential sales value are recorded only on receipt of actual.


13.2.1 Claims :

Claims on account of liquidated damages and insurance are accounted for as and when these are realized and/or considered recoverable by the company.

13.2.2 Conversion charges :

Income from conversion of job work is accounted for on the basis of actual quantity desptched.

13.3.3 Interest on L/C bills :

Interest up to the date of Balance Sheet on all outstanding bills is accounted for on accrual basis.


14.1 Foreign currency transactions on initial recognition in the reporting currency are accounted for at the exchange rates brvailing on the date of transaction.

14.2 At each Balance Sheet date, foreign currency monetary items are translated using the mean exchange rates brvailing on the Balance Sheet date and non-monetary items are translated using the exchange rate brvailing on the date of transaction or on the date when the fair value of such item was determined.

14.3 The loss or gain thereon and also the exchange differences on settlement of the foreign currency transactions during the year are recognized as income or expense and adjusted to the Statement of Profit & Loss. 


15.1. Gratuity, Leave encashment and Leave Travel Concession :

Liabilities towards gratuity, leave encashment for all employees and leave travel concession for non­executive employees as at the end of the year are provided for on the basis of actuarial valuation.

The actuarial gains / losses in respect of " Employee Benefit Plans" are recognized in the Statement of Profit & Loss.

15.2. Deficit in Provident Fund :

Deficit, if any, in the accounts of Provident Fund Trust ascertained on the basis of last audited accounts of the Trust is accounted for as a charge to Revenue.

15.3 Voluntary Retirement Expenses :

15.3.1 Paid out of own fund :

Voluntary Retirement expenditure incurred by the company is charged to revenue in the year of incurrence in accordance with Accounting Standard -15.

15.3.2 Paid out of Government Grant :

Voluntary Retirement Expenditure is adjusted against Government Grant received for this purpose.


Interest/finance cost on loans specifically borrowed for new and expansion projects upto the start of commercial production is charged to the capital cost of the projects concerned. All other borrowing cost are charged to revenue.


Income Tax Expense comprises current tax and deferred tax charge. Deferred Tax is recognized on timing differences, being the difference between Taxable Income and Accounting Income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods. Deferred Tax assets are recognized only if there is virtual certainty that sufficient future taxable income will be available against which deferred tax assets will be realized. Such balances of Deferred Tax Assets are reviewed at Balance Sheet Date every year to reassess the realisibility thereof.


A provision is recognized if as a result of past event / occurrence the company has a brsent legal obligation that could be reliably estimated and it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be necessitated to settle such obligation. Provisions are determined by the reasonable and reliable estimate of the outflow of economic benefits required to settle such obligation as on the Balance Sheet date.

Wherever no reliable estimate could be made, a disclosure is made as contingent liability. A disclosure for a contingent liability is also made when there is a possible obligation or a brsent obligation that may but probably will not require an outflow of resources.

When there is a possible obligation or a brsent obligation in respect of which likelihood of outflow of resources is remote, no provision or disclosure is made.

Contingent Liabilities are disclosed in the General Notes forming part of the accounts.


Assets and Liabilities are adjusted for significant events occurring after the Balance Sheet date that provide additional evidences to assist the estimation of accounts relating to conditions existing at the Balance Sheet date.


The nature and amount of prior period items and extra-ordinary items are separately disclosed in the Statement of Profit & Loss in a manner that their impact on the Profit & Loss can be perceived. However, each prior period item of Rs. 50,000.00 and below are charged to natural heads of accounts.


Expenditure on research and development is charged off to the Statement of Profit & Loss in the year it is incurred. Expenditure on fixed assets in this regard, if any, is capitalized. 


1. During the year, the company has made a provision amounting to Rs. 75.00 lac towards Performance Related Pay payable to the executives for F.Y. 2014-15 which is shown under 'Employees' Benefit Expenses'.

2. In the absence of lease agreements with the State Government in respect of certain leasehold lands, the amortization has been done against the adhoc payment made so far. In case of certain freehold lands acquired through nationalization in accordance with Indian Copper Corporation (Acquisition of Undertaking) Act, 1972, title deeds, conveyance deed etc. is not under the possession of the company. 

3. Lease brmium paid for land for mining purposes including payment for Net Present Value (NPV) of forest area paid to forest department is capitalized under the head Leasehold Land.

4. The commercial operation of Smelter, Refinery and Sulphuric Acid Plant at Khetri Copper Complex were suspended since December 2008. The Company has got the loss on account of impairment of the said plants valued by an independent consultant and consequently a total sum of Rs. 482.97 lac including Rs. 14.39 lac during the year has been provided in the accounts for impairment loss in compliance with the guidelines of AS-28 on "Impairment of Assets" issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Total inventory valued Rs. 834.34 lac after provision of Rs. 17.79 lac which remained as process material in the above Plant is included in the Inventory of the company. The management is of the opinion that such inventories consisting mainly of metal content are realizable at least at the book value.

5. The title deeds are yet to be executed in respect of office flat at SCOPE Complex, Delhi and Jaipur office having book value of Rs. 78.59 lac (Previous year Rs. 83.85 lac).

6. At ICC, Pollution Control Plant under Package I & III amounting to Rs. 2100.50 lac have not been capitalized for want of completion of trial / guarantee run as per terms of contract. As a matter of prudence, full provision for the same has been made in the accounts to take care of efflux of time over the years.

7. During the year, the company has entered into an agreement of acquiring Plant & Machinery including Leasehold Land of Jhagadia Copper Limited (JCL) through Asset Reconstruction Company (India) Ltd. (ARCIL) at a value of Rs. 21000.00 lac through auction process out of which the company has paid Z 10500.00 lac during the year and the balance amount is agreed to be paid in next financial year. The JCL Plant has facilities for manufacture of 50,000 tonnes per annum of LME 'A' grade Copper Cathodes by secondary smelting process.

8. Confirmation letters of majority of balances under the heads Sundry Creditors, Claims Recoverable, Loans & Advances and Sundry Debtors have been sent but in number of cases such confirmation letters from the parties are awaited.

9. Like last year, considering the brsent scenario of MCP mines and to sustain the planned production, management during the year also decided to process the lean ore along with the normal ore produced from the mine. At the end of the year, the value of closing lean ore was Rs. 5446.19 lac, (Quantity 25.61 lac tonne) (Previous Year Quantity 27.50 lac tonne valuing Rs. 6543.29 lac). The physical verification of lean ore has been conducted by the Malanjkhand Mining Department.

10 . During the year, the company has utilized a sum of Rs. 726.44 lac on account of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) expenses out of which Rs. 643.67 lac is charged to Statement of Profit & Loss and the balance amount of Rs. 82.77 lac has been appropriated out of unspent balance of CSR Fund.

11. Export sales during the year include debits of Rs. 3581.17 lac arising out of final settlement of Copper Concentrate for which sales made earlier during F.Y.2013-14.

12. Consequent to enactment of the Companies Act, 2013 (the Act) and its applicability for accounting periods commencing on or after 01st April, 2014, the company has reworked debrciation with reference to the estimated economic life of fixed assets brscribed by Part C of Schedule II to the Act or actual useful life of assets, whichever is lower. In case of asset whose life has completed as above, the carrying value as at 01st April, 2014 amounting to Rs.1780.46 lac has been adjusted against the opening balance of the Retained Earnings and in other cases the carrying value has been debrciated over the remaining of the revised life of the assets and recognized in the financial statements for the current period.

13. Special audit was conducted during the brvious financial year 2013-14 in respect of financial irregularities in sales and customers records committed in earlier years regarding extending financial benefits to some customers which included allowing delivery of materials without receipt of payment for the same. Necessary provision was made for uncovered portion of interest and penal interest on overdue interest amounting to Rs. 50.59 lac in the financial year 2013-14. As the company has already recovered the principal amount and some portion of the interest, the management taking into account all relevant facts and circumstances of the case at that time did not categorize such occurrence as fraud.

Moreover such financial irregularities were further examined by a special committee constituted by the Management of the company. The same issue was also raised by C & AG and reported to Ministry of Mines. Appropriate action was initiated by Management to bring out the facts so that needful action can be taken accordingly.

However, no fraud on or by the company has been noticed or reported during the current financial year.

14. In giving effect to the bi-partite agreement between Company Management and Workmens' Union, the company has provided a sum of Rs. 2598.00 lac towards wage revision of workmen for the period 01st November 2012 to 31st March 2015.

15. The mining activities of Surda mines at ICC which was running on deemed extension basis was stopped w.e.f. 08th September, 2014 in terms of order issued by Government of Jharkhand on the contention that the mining lease period was not officially extended. However, Government of Jharkhand vide its order dated 18.03.2015, has extended the mining lease till 31.03.2020 and the company is legally entitled to carry on normal mining activities. 

16. Since the company is primarily engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of copper products, the same is considered to be the only primary reportable business segment and accordingly reported. As the Company operates brdominantly within the geographical limits of India no secondary segment reporting has been considered as per Accounting Standard "Segment Reporting (AS-17)". 

17. The physical verification of raw materials, WIP and finished goods have been conducted departmentally at reasonable intervals during the year. In respect of stores and spares, physical verification has been conducted by the external agencies once in a year during the year. Shortages/ (Excesses) identified on such physical verification which were not material in nature have been duly adjusted in the books of accounts.

18. As per Accounting Policy No.3.6, the physical verification of fixed assets which are required to be conducted once in every three years has not been conducted during the year under review since such verification was conducted in F.Y.2013-14.

19. Work in process includes stock of concentrate valued Rs.3222.83 lac (Previous Year Rs. 3460.06 lac) lying with third party at the end of the year for which confirmation from the party has been obtained.

20. Closing inventory of stores & spares includes a sum of Rs. 552.57 lac, arising out of physical verification conducted, being the stores earlier issued from the stores godown and shown as consumed remaining unused/unconsumed at the end of the year

21. The brvious year's figures have been regrouped / rearranged, wherever necessary. 

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  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
  • Those making net trading profits, incurred between 15% to 50% of such profits as transaction cost.
Source: Click Here.