Note No. 1 - Corporate Information Hero Moto Corp Limited (the Company) is a public company domiciledin India and incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 on January 19, 1984. The name of the Company has been changed from Hero Honda Motors Limited to Hero MotoCorp Limited on July 29, 2011. The shares of the Company are listed on two stock exchanges in India i.e. National Stock Exchange (NSE) and Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The Company is engaged in the manufacturing and selling of motorised two-wheelers, spare parts and related services. The Company is a leading two wheeler manufacturer and has a dominant brsence in domestic market. Note No. 2 - Significant Accounting Policies i ) Accounting convention The financial statements of the Company have been brpared in accordance with the Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in India (Indian GAAP) to comply with the Accounting Standards specified under Section 133 of the Companies Act, 2013, read with Rule 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rules, 2014 and relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 ("the 2013 Act") / Companies Act, 1956 ("the 1956 Act"), as applicable. The financial statements have been brpared on accrual basis under the historical cost convention. ii) Use of estimates The brparation of the financial statements in conformity with Indian GAAP requires the Management to make estimates and assumptions considered in the reported amounts of assets and liabilities (including contingent liabilities) and the reported income and expenses during the year. The Management believes that the estimates used in brparation of the financial statements are prudent and reasonable. Future results could differ due to these estimates and the differences between the actual results and the estimates are recognised in the periods in which the results are known / materialise. iii) Operating Cycle Based on the nature of products / activities of the Company and the normal time between acquisition of assets and their realisation in cash or cash equivalents, the Company has determined its operating cycle as 12 months for the purpose of classification of its assets and liabilities as current and non-current. iv) Fixed / Intangible assets and debrciation / amortisation Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated debrciation. Cost of acquisitionis inclusive of freight, duties, taxes and other incidental expenses. Exchange differences arising on restatement / settlement of long-term foreign currency borrowings relating to acquisition of debrciable fixed assets are adjusted to the cost of the respective assets and debrciated over the remaining useful life of such assets. Debrciation is charged on a pro-rata basis at the straight line method rates brscribed in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013. Assets covered under employee benefit schemes are amortised over a period of five years. Intangible assets, comprising of expenditure on model fee etc, incurred are amortised on a straight line method over a period of five years. Licenses for Technical know-how / export licenses have been amortised on a straight line basis upto June 30, 2014 i.e forty two months (refer note 11). The carrying values of assets / cash generating units at each Balance Sheet date are reviewed for impairment. Leasehold land has been amortised over the period of lease. v) Preoperative expenses pending allocation Expenses directly related to construction activity or incidental thereto, are allocated to fixed assets at the time of completion of the project. vi) Investments Current investments are stated at lower of cost and fair value computed categorywise. Long term investments are stated at cost less provision for diminution other than temporary,if any. Premium paid on purchase of debt securities is amortised over the period of maturity. vii) Inventories Raw materials and components, stores and spares, loose tools, finished goods and work in progress are valued at cost or net realisable value, whichever is lower. The basis of determining cost for various categories of inventories are as follows viii) Employee benefits a) Defined contribution plan Provident fund, Superannuation fund and Employee's State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) are the defined contribution schemes offered by the Company. The contributions to these schemes are charged to the statement of profit and loss of the year in which contribution to such schemes becomes due b) Defined benefit plan and Long term Employee benefits Gratuity liability and long term employee benefits, are provided on the basis of an actuarial valuation made at the end of each financial year as per projected unit credit method. Actuarial gains or loss arising from such valuation are charged to revenue in the year in which they arise. ix) Employee share based payments The Company has formulated Employee Stock Option Schemes (ESOS) in accordance with the SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999. The Schemes provide for grant of options to employees of the Company to acquire equity shares of the Company that vest in a graded manner and that are to be exercised within a specified period. In accordance with the SEBI Guidelines; the excess, if any, of the closing market price on the day prior to the grant of the options under ESOS over the exercise price is amortised on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. x) Foreign currency transactions Exchange differences are dealt with as follows:- Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the exchange rate brvailing at the time of the transaction. All loss or gain on translation is charged to revenue in the year in which it is incurred. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency are restated at the rate brvailing at the year end and resultant gain or loss is recognised. The exchange differences arising on restatement / settlement of long-term foreign currency monetary items are capitalised as part of the debrciable fixed assets to which the monetary item relates and debrciated over the remaining useful life of such assets or amortised on settlement / over the maturity period of such items in line with Notification No. GSR 378(E) dated May 11, 2011 issued by The Ministry of Corporate Affairs, Government of India. In respect of forward contracts, the forward brmium or discount is recognised as income or expense over the life of contract in the Statement of Profit and Loss and the exchange difference between the exchange rate brvailing at the year end and the date of the inception of the forward exchange contract is recognised as income or expense in the statement of profit and loss. xi) Sales Sale of goods is recognised on transfer of significant risk and reward of ownership to the buyer, which generally coincides with point of despatch of finished goods to the customers. Gross sales are inclusive of applicable excise duty and freight but are exclusive of sales tax. Sale of services is recognized on rendering of services as per contractual terms. Scrap is accounted for on sale basis. xii) Warranty claims The estimated liability for product warranties is recorded when products are sold. These estimates are established using historical information on the nature, frequency and average cost of warranty claims and management estimates regarding possible future incidence based on corrective actions on product failures. The timing of outflows will vary as and when warranty claim will arise - being typically two to five years. The Company accounts for the post-contract support / provision for warranty on the basis of the information available with the Management duly taking into account the current and past technical estimates. xiii) Leases Lease arrangements where the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset substantially vest with the lessor are recognised as operating leases. Lease rentals under operating leases are recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss. xiv) Research and development expenses Research and development expenditure of a revenue nature is expensed out under the respective heads of account in the year in which it is incurred. Fixed assets utilised for research and development are capitalised and debrciated in accordance with the policies stated for Tangible Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets. xv) Earnings per share Earnings per share are computed by dividing the profit / (loss) after tax by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the year. xvi) Taxation The provision for taxation is ascertained on the basis of assessable profits computed in accordance with the provisions of the Income-tax Act, 1961. Minimum Alternate Tax (MAT) paid in accordance with the tax laws, which gives future economic benefits in the form of adjustment to future income tax liability, is considered as an asset if there is convincing evidence that the Company will pay normal income tax. Accordingly, MAT is recognised as an asset in the Balance Sheet when it is probable that future economicbenefit associated with it will flow to xvii) the Company. Deferred tax is recognised, subject to the consideration of prudence, on timing differences, being the difference between taxable income and accounting income that originate in one period and are capable of reversal in one or more subsequent periods. Provisions and contingent liabilities A provision is recognised when the Company has a brsent obligation as a result of past events and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation in respect of which a reliable estimate can be made. Provisions are not discounted to their brsent value and are determined based on the best estimate required to settle the obligation at the Balance Sheet date. These are reviewed at each Balance Sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimates. Contingent liabilities are disclosed in the Notes. xviii) Derivatives Foreign currency derivatives are used to hedge risk associated with foreign currency transactions. All open positions as at the close of the year are valued by marking them to the market and provision is made for losses, if any. Note No. 3 - Subsequent to the year end, Erik Buell Racing Inc. (EBR) (alongwith its subsidiary Erik Buell Racing, LLC), an associate of HMCL (NA) Inc. a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company has ceased their operations and entered into Assignment for the Benefit of Creditors under Chapter 128 of the Wisconsin Statutes ("Chapter 128 Process"), which is a process similar to the bankruptcy laws of U.S.A. The said filing has been occasioned by inability of EBR to honor outstanding creditors. Consequently the net worth of HMCL (NA) Inc. has eroded. In view of the above, the Company has made a provision of Rs. 155.04 crores being the diminution in value of its investment held in HMCL (NA) Inc. under the head "Exceptional items" in the statement of profit and loss. Note No. 4 - The ESOP scheme titled " Employee Incentive Scheme 2014- Options and Restricted Stock Unit" hereafter referred to as "Employee Incentive Scheme 2014" or "the Scheme" was approved by the shareholders through postal ballot on September 22, 2014. 4,990,000 options are covered under the Scheme for 4,990,000 shares. The Scheme allows the issue of options to employees of the Company. Each option comprises one underlying equity share. As per the Scheme, the Remuneration / Compensation Committee grants the options to the employees deemed eligible. The exercise price of each option shall be Rs. 2,159 as defined in the Scheme. The options granted vest over a period of 4 years from the date of the grant in proportions specified in the Scheme. Options may be exercised within 7 years of granting. The difference between the fair price of the share underlying the options granted on the date of grant of option and the exercise price of the option (being the intrinsic value of the option) rebrsenting Stock compensation expense is expensed over the vesting period. Note No. 5 - Previous Year figures have been regrouped/ reclassified wherever necessary to correspond with the current year classifications / |