1. SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES A. Basis of Accounting The financial statements are brpared under the historical cost convention on accrual basis of accounting, in accordance with the generally accepted accounting principles in India, and the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013, including accounting standards notified there under. B. Use of estimates In brparing the financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in India, management is required to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and the disclosure of contingent liabilities as at the date of financial statements and the amounts of revenue and expenses during the reported period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Any revision to such estimates is recognised in the period in which the same is determined. C. Fixed Assets Fixed assets are stated at cost of acquisition less debrciation, except land gifted by the State Governments, which is stated at notional/nominal value with corresponding credit to capital reserve. Expenditure on development of land, including leasehold land, is capitalised as part of cost of land. Cost of Lease hold land is amortised over the period of lease. Cost includes all identifiable expenditure including trial-run expenses, net of revenue. Mining Rights are treated as Intangible Assets and all related costs thereof are amortised on the basis of annual production to the total estimated mineable reserves. In case the mining rights are not renewed, the balance related cost will be charged to revenue in the year of decision of non-renewal. Software which is not an integral part of related hardware, is treated as intangible asset and amortised over a period of five years or its licence period, whichever is less. D. Borrowing Costs Borrowing costs attributable to the acquisition or construction of a qualifying asset are capitalised as part of the cost of that asset. Other borrowing costs are recognised as expense in the period in which these are incurred. E. Debrciation Debrciation is provided on straight line method, considering residual value of 5% of the cost of the asset, over the useful lives of the assets, as specified in Schedule II to the Companies Act, 2013. However, where the historical cost of a debrciable asset undergoes a change, the debrciation on the revised unamortised debrciable amount is provided over the residual useful life of the asset. Debrciation on addition/deletion during the year is provided on pro-rata basis with reference to the month of addition/deletion. Assets costing up to Rs.5000/-are fully debrciated in the year in which they are put to use. F. Investments Long-term investments (including investments in subsidiary companies and joint ventures) are carried at cost, after providing for diminution (other than temporary) in value. Current investments are carried at lower of cost and market value. G. Inventories Raw materials, stores & spares and finished/semi-finished products (including process scrap) are valued at lower of cost and net realisable value of the respective plants/units. In case of identified obsolete/ surplus/ non-moving items, necessary provision is made and charged to revenue. The net realisable value of semi-finished special products, which have realisable value at finished stage only, is estimated for the purpose of comparison with cost. Residue products and other scrap are valued at estimated net realisable value. The basis of determining cost is: Raw materials - Periodical weighted average cost Minor raw materials - Moving weighted average cost Stores & spares - Moving weighted average cost Materials in-transit - at cost Finished/Semi-finished products - material cost plus appropriate share of labour, related overheads and duties. H. Grants Grants relating to the acquisition of a specific asset are adjusted against the cost of the concerned asset. Grants relating to the revenue expenditure are adjusted against the related expenses. I. Foreign Currency Transactions Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currency remaining unsettled at the end of the year are translated at year-end rates. The exchange differences in translation of monetary assets and liabilities and realised gains and losses on foreign exchange transactions other than those relating to fixed assets, are recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss. In respect of transactions covered by forward exchange contracts entered into to hedge foreign currency risks, the difference between the contract rate and spot rate on the date of the transaction is recognised in the Statement of Profit and Loss over the period of the contract. The Company had opted for accounting the exchange differences arising on reporting of long term foreign currency monetary items in line with Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules 2009 relating to Accounting Standard-11 notified by Government of India on 31st March, 2009 (as amended on 29th December 2011). Accordingly, exchange differences (including arising out of forward exchange contracts) relating to long term monetary items, arising during the year, in so far as they relate to the acquisition of fixed assets, are adjusted in the carrying amount of such assets. J. Employees' Benefits Contributions towards Provident Funds are charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss of the period when the contributions to the Funds are due. The provisions/ liabilities towards gratuity, accrued leave, long term service awards, post-retirement medical and settlement benefits, future payments to the disabled employees/legal heirs of deceased employees under the Employees' Family Benefit Scheme, are made based on the actuarial valuation as at the end of the year and charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss after considering along with actuarial gains/losses. K. Adjustments pertaining to earlier years and brpaid expenses Income / expenditure relating to prior period and brpaid expenses, which do not exceed Rs.10 lakhs in each case, are treated as income/expenditure of current year. L. Revenue recognition Sales include excise duty and are net of rebates and price concessions. Sales are recognised at the time of dispatch of materials to the buyers including the cases where delivery documents are endorsed in favour of the buyers. Where the contract prices are not finalized with government agencies, sales are accounted for on provisional basis. Marine export sales are recognised on: i) the issue of bill of lading, or ii) negotiation of export bills upon expiry of lay can period, in cases where realisation of material value without shipment is provided in the letters of credit of respective contracts, whichever is earlier. Export incentives under various schemes are recognized as income on certainty of realisation. The iron ore fines not readily useable/saleable included in inventory, are recognised on disposal. M. Claims for Liquidated Damages/Price Escalation Claims for liquidated damages are accounted for as and when these are deducted and/or considered recoverable by the Company. These are adjusted to the capital cost or recognised in Statement of Profit and Loss, as the case may be, on final settlement. Suppliers'/Contractors' claims for price escalation are accounted for, to the extent such claims are accepted by the Company. N. Deferred Tax The deferred tax on timing differences between book profit and taxable profit for the year is accounted for applying the tax rates and laws that have been enacted or substantively enacted as on the balance sheet date. Deferred tax assets arising from timing differences are recognised to the extent there is a reasonable certainty that the assets can be realised in future. O. Overburden Removal The expenditure on removal of backlog of over burden is charged to revenue, based on stripping ratio as per 5 year mining plan for mines except collieries which is based on project report. P. Contingent Liabilities Contingent liability is a possible obligation arising from past events and the existence of which will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the Company or a brsent obligation that arises from past events but is not recognised because it is not possible that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefit will be required to settle the obligations or reliable estimate of the amount of the obligations cannot be made. The Company discloses the existence of Contingent Liabilities in Financial Statements. |