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Management Discussion      
Shivansh Finserve Ltd.
BSE Code 539593
ISIN Demat INE728Q01014
Book Value 10.56
Dividend Yield % 0.00
Market Cap 31.39
P/E 0.00
EPS -0.17
Face Value 10  
Year End: March 2015


1. Overall Review

The Growth rate has been on the upward trend as compared to the brvious year with favorable market conditions which reflect the positive market.

2. Financial Review

During the year the company has continue its business activities and earned the profit of Rs. 2.80 Lacs.

3. Risk and Concern

Bullish trend in Equity Markets, Commodities and Real estate will affect volume and profitability of Government Securities business. Changes in rate of Interest will affect Company's Profitability.

4. Internal Control System and their adequacy

The internal control system is looked after by Directors themselves, who also looked after the day to day affairs to ensure compliance of guide lines and policies, adhere to the management instructions and policies to ensure improvements in the system. The Internal Audit reports are regularly reviewed by the management.

5. Environmental Issues

As the company is not in the field of manufacture, the matter relating to produce any harmful gases and the liquid effluents are not applicable.

6. Financial Performance with Respect to Operation Performance

The Company has all the plans for tight budgetary control on key operational performance indication with judicious deployment of funds without resorting to any kind borrowing where ever possible.

7. Cautionary Statement

Statement in this report on Management Discussion and Analysis may be forward looking statements within the meaning of applicable security laws or regulations. These statements are based on certain assumptions and expectations of future events. Actual results could however, differ materially, from those exbrssed or implied. Important factors that could make a difference to the company's operations include global and domestic demand supply conditions, finished goods prices, raw material cost and availability and changes in government regulation and tax structure, economic development within India and the countries with which the company has business contacts and other factors such as litigation and industrial relations.

The Company assumes no responsibility in respect of forward - looking statements, which may be amended or modified in future on the basis of subsequent developments, information or events.

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