Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory Dear Shareholders,Your Directors present the Fourteenth Annual Report on the business and operations of the Company and the audited financial statements for the financial year ended 31st March, 2013. FINANCIAL RESULTSRs. in millionParticulars | Financial Year 2012-13 | Financial Year 2011-12 | Revenue from operations | 27,171.59 | 27,683.55 | Total revenue | 27,392.86 | 27,862.47 | Gross profit before finance costs, depreciation, exceptional items and extraordinary expenses | 3,573.90 | 3,705.26 | Finance costs | 841.12 | 865.39 | Profit before depreciation, amortization, exceptional items and extraordinary expenses | 2,732.80 | 2,839.87 | Depreciation and amortization | 1,406.55 | 1,404.32 | Profit before tax, exceptional items and extraordinary expenses | 1,326.23 | 1,435.55 | Profit before tax | 1,102.48 | 1,976.85 | Tax expenses | 380.73 | 314.22 | Deferred tax | (85.67) | (20.10) | Net profit for the year | 807.42 | 1,682.73 | Add: Profit brought forward from last year | 3,825.11 | 2,309.09 | Appropriation: Dividend on Redeemable Preference Shares | 1.51 | 1.43 | Dividend on Equity Shares | 35.17 | 33.43 | Tax on dividend | 6.22 | 5.65 | Transfer to General Reserve | 60.56 | 126.20 | Balance carried forward in Balance Sheet | 4,533.31 | 3,825.11 |
INFORMATION ON BOARD MEETING PROCEDURE AND ATTENDANCE DURING THE FINANCIAL YEAR 2012-13In terms of manner, quality and disclosure of information for convening and conducting of Board meetings, the Company adheres to the Secretarial Standards recommended by The Institute of Company Secretaries of India. The Board members are provided with detailed agenda in advance along with relevant supporting information and documents on various matters related to the business performance of the company, especially those that require deliberation. The Board is provided an action taken report on the decisions and recommendations given at its previous meeting(s). A summary of discussions at Committee meetings of the Company with recommendations thereat and also a brief on important matters decided at the board meetings of its subsidiary companies forms part of the agenda papers. Presentations are also made to the Board by functional heads on matters of strategic nature.A yearly calendar of Board meetings is decided to review the quarterly financial results and other business matters based on the common convenient dates of the Directors. In case of business exigencies, resolutions are passed by circulation.Draft minutes are circulated to the Board/ Committee members for their perusal and comments thereon. The minutes so finalised are recorded within the statutory time limit and are approved at the succeeding meeting of the Board / Committee.During the year under review, seven Board meetings were held on the following dates: 19th April, 2012,29th June, 2012, 19th July, 2012, 29th August, 2012, 2nd October, 2012, 27th November, 2012 and 27th February, 2013. A statement giving information about the Board members, their attendance at the Board meeting and the number of other directorships held by them is given below:Sr. no. | Name | Position | Relationship with other directors
| Meetings Attended | Other Directorships @ held as on 31st March, 2013 | Executive | 1. | Mr. Anurang Jain, | Managing Director | Son of Mr. Naresh Chandra | 6 | 2 | Non Executive | 2. | Mr. Naresh Chandra | Chairman | Father of Mr. Anurang Jain | 7 | 8 | 3. | Mr. Asanka Rodrigo | Nominee Director | None | 6 | 2 | 4. | Mr. Soumendra Basu | Independent | None | 4 | 1 | 5. | Mr. Partho Datta | Independent | None | 5 | 3 | 6. | Mr. Roberto Testore | Independent | None | 3 | 1 |
@Excludes foreign companies COMMITTEES OF THE BOARDAudit CommitteeThe Committee comprises non-executive directors. The Chairman of the Committee, Mr. Partho Datta, is a member of The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. Mr. Soumendra Basu and Mr. Asanka Rodrigo are the other members of the Committee. During the year 2012-13, the Committee met three times, on 29th June, 2012, 27th November, 2012 and 27th February, 2013. The meetings were attended by all its members. The Company Secretary acts as secretary to the Committee. The Chairman of the Committee briefs the Board of Directors on the discussions at its meetings. The minutes of the Committee meetings are circulated to the Board of Directors, for a full disclosure of the discussions at these meetings.The Company has an independent in-house internal audit function with adequate professional resources and skills, aligned with the Company's nature, size and business operations. The Head of Internal Audit reports directly to the Managing Director.During the year under review, the Board of Directors adopted a charter for the Audit Committee, which inter alia governs the authority and responsibility of the Committee. The terms of reference of the Committee broadly covers:a)Overseeing the financial reporting process to ensure fairness, transparency, sufficiency and reliability of financial statements, including recognition, recording and reporting of financial information in keeping with the applicable laws;b)Reviewing the adequacy of internal control systems;c)Recommending appointment and removal of Internal Auditor and outsourced Internal Auditors for the Company's overall operations and its auditable units;d)Discussing scope of audit and audit plans on a regular basis with Statutory and Internal Auditors;e)Monitoring and reviewing the direction and quality of Internal and Statutory Audit;f)Reviewing with the management periodical and annual financial statements before submission of the same to the Board. This will include:i) Any changes in accounting policies and practices or law/ accounting standardsii) Major accounting entries based on exercise of judgment by the managementiii) Non-recurring, abnormal and one-time entriesiv) Qualification, if any, in the draft audit reportv) Significant adjustments arising out of audit observationsvi) Compliance with applicable accounting standardsvii) Related party transaction. g)Reviewing the security andcontrol aspects of the Information Technology and Connectivity systems;h)Reviewing compliance with Internal and Statutory Audit Reports and examine reasons for substantial defaults and delays in implementing audit recommendations;i)Reviewing findings of internal investigations involving matters of fraud, financial integrity and fiduciary compliance;j)Reviewing Management Representation Letters issued to Statutory Auditors.Finance Sub-CommitteeThe Finance Sub-Committee of the Company comprises Mr. Naresh Chandra, Chairman, Mr. Anurang Jain and Mr. Asanka Rodrigo as the members of the Committee. This Committee is entrusted with the authority to meet the fund requirements of the Company through borrowings from banks / financial institutions. As mandated by the shareholders, the aggregate amount of borrowings, outstanding at any time, shall not exceed Rs. 12,500 million.During the year 2012-13, the Committee met three times on following dates, 16th August, 2012, 21st December, 2012 and 13th February, 2013. AUDITORSThe Company's Statutory Auditors, M/s. Deloitte Haskins and Sells, Chartered Accountants (ICAI Registration No. 117366W), hold office up to the conclusion of the ensuing Annual General Meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for appointment. They have furnished requisite certificate to the effect that their appointment, if approved by the shareholders at the ensuing Annual General Meeting, will be in conformity with the Companies Act, 1956.Your Directors recommend their appointment. COST AUDITORSAs notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs vide order no. F. No. 52/26/CAB 2010 dated 6th November, 2012, cost audit is mandatory for the Company with regard to the following product groups, viz. electrical energy, hand tools and parts and accessories of vehicles.Pursuant to Section 233B of the Companies Act, 1956 and subject to the approval of Central Government, Mr. Jayant B. Galande, Cost Accountant (Membership No. M-5255) is appointed as Cost Auditor of the Company for the financial year 2013-14. The cost audit and compliance reports of the Company for the financial year 2011-12 were filed in XBRL format with the Central Government on 22nd December, 2012. FIXED DEPOSITSDuring the period under review, the Company has not accepted any deposits from the public.AWARDS AND RECOGNITIONS It has always been the Company's endeavour to set a benchmark both in terms of products and processes in the area of its business operations. We take pride to share that your Company received the following awards and recognitions from accredited institutions and its major customers:a) SAP ACE Award won for Customer Excellence, 2012.b) Regional Award from EEPC India qualifying as Star Performer in the category of BICYCLES AND PARTS LARGE ENTERPRISE for the year 2011-12.