Disclosure in board of directors report explanatory SONA BLW PRECISION FORGINGS LIMITED(CIN:U27300DL1995PLC073456)Registered Office- GF-19, Indra Prakash21, Barakhamba RoadNew Delhi 110 001Tel. No. - 011-40348813Email -raajesh.gupta@sonagroup.comWebsite -www.sonagroup.comDIRECTORS' REPORTTo The Members,Your Directors have pleasure in submitting their 22ndAnnual Report of the Company together with the Audited Statements of Accounts for the year ended 31stMarch, 2018:1. FINANCIAL RESULTS (Rs. In Million)Particulars | 2017-18 | 2016-17 | Sales and other Income | 6,158.51 | 5,053.62 | Profit before interest and Depreciation | 1,710.06 | 1,088.41 | Less: Finance Cost | 181.04 | 194.23 | Less: Depreciation | 223.38 | 171.79 | Profit Before Tax | 1,305.63 | 722.39 | Less: Exceptional Items | - | 16.53 | Less : Provision for Tax | 423.16 | 210.49 | Increase / (Decrease) in Deferred Tax Liability | 22.57 | 46.67 | Profit After Tax | 859.89 | 448.70 | Add : Profit Brought Forward | 1,617.60 | 1,168.90 | Profit available for appropriations | 2,477.50 | 1,617.60 | Appropriations |
| Proposed Dividend | NIL | NIL | Dividend Tax Payable / Paid | NIL | NIL | Transfer to General Reserve | NIL | NIL | Adjustment of Depreciation Charge | NIL | NIL | Balance Carried to Balance Sheet | 2,477.50 | 1,617.60 |
2. STATE OF COMPANIES AFFAIRSThe financial year 2017-18, has again been a stellar year from operational point of view. The sales of the Company on standalone basis during this year was higher by 21.86% (approx.) to Rs. 6,158.51 million as against Rs. 5,053.62 million of last financial year (2017-2018), the EBITDA during the year was higher by 57.11% to Rs. 1,710.06 million as against Rs. 1,088.42 million of last financial year. During this year, the exports of the Company grew by 14.24% to Rs. 1,857.24 million as against 1,625.60 million during the last financial year.3. DIVIDEND andAMOUNT PROPOSED TO BE CARRIED TO ANY RESERVEKeeping in view the requirement of resources to meet the expansion plans of the Company, your Directors do not recommend any dividend for the financial year ended 31stMarch, 2018.The Board of directors of the Company do not propose to carry any amount to reserve other than transfer of undistributed profit to surplus in statement of Profit and Loss.4. TRANSFER OF UNCLAIMED DIVIDEND TO INVESTOR EDUCTION AND PROTECTION FUNDSince there was no unpaid/unclaimed Dividend declared and paid last year(s), the provisions of Section 125 of the Companies Act, 2013 do not apply.5. SHARE CAPITALAs at 31stMarch, 2018, the paid up share capital of the Company was Rs. 277,183,760/- divided into 27,71,8376 Equity Shares of Rs. 10/- each. There was no change (increase/decrease) in the share capital of the Company during the year.The Company has not bought back any of its securities during the year under review. The Company has also not issued any Sweat Equity Shares / bonus shares / Shares under Employees Stock Options Scheme during the year under review.6. SONA BLW GROUP STATUSThe Company has following Subsidiaries /Associate Companies:Subsidiary Company:1) Sona Holding B.V, The Netherlands.Step- Down Subsidiaries:1) Sona AutoComp Germany GmbH, Munchen, Germany2) Sona BLW Prazisionsschmiede GmbH, Munchen, Germany3) Sona AutoComp USA LLC, Wilmington, Delaware, USA4) Sona BLW-Hilfe GmbH, Munchen, Germany5) Sona BLW Hungary Kft., Budapest, Hungary6) Sona BLW Driveline LLC, Troy, Michigan, USAAssociate Company:1) Sona Skill Development Centre Limited.Out of the above subsidiaries, only Sona Autocomp Germany GmbH, Germany and Sona BLW Prazissionchmiede GmbH, Germany andSona BLW Hungary Kft., Hungary are the operating companies. During the year the operations of all these entities in general continued to remain under stress. The management of these subsidiary companies are making all efforts to improve the financial position of the companies and it is expected that the financial health of these subsidiaries will improve in near future. 7. FIXED DEPOSITSThe Company has neither accepted nor renewed any deposits during the year under review.8. MATERIAL CHANGES AND COMMITMENT IF AFFECTING THE FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE COMPANY OCCURRED BETWEEN THE END OF THE FINANCIAL YEAR TO WHICH THIS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS RELATE AND THE DATE OF THE REPORTNo material changes and commitments affecting the standalone financial position of the Company occurred from the end of the financial year 2017-18 till the date of this report. 9. ANNUAL RETURNThe extracts of Annual Return pursuant to the provisions of Section 92 read with Rule 12 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 is furnished in Form MGT-9 attached to this Report asAnnexure A.10. NUMBER OF BOARD MEETINGS HELD DURING THE YEARAs on the date of this report, the Board of the Company consists of the following directors:1) Mrs. Rani Kapur2) Mr. Sunjay Kapur3) Mr. Siddharth Pradip Kothari