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USG Tech Solutions Ltd.
Source DateBoard Meeting DateDetails
19-Dec-2024 27-Dec-2024 Inter alia, consider the following business(s): 1. To consider the proposal for land purchase for setting up of green Hydrogen plant. 2. To consider the appointment merchant banker and other agencies for right issue upto Rs. 100Cr. 3. To Consider the sale of shares of Niskarsh Properties Private Limited. 4. To consider the appointment of Project head of Green Hydrogen Plant. 5. To consider the appointment of Key Managerial Personnel (KMP). 6. To consider the change in the corporate office. 7. Any other matters with the permission of the chair.
05-Nov-2024 12-Nov-2024 Quarterly Results
07-Aug-2024 14-Aug-2024 Quarterly Results
23-May-2024 30-May-2024 Audited Results
09-Apr-2024 11-Apr-2024 Inter-alia, to consider and approve the following businesses: 1. To regularize the Director. 2. The notice of Postal Ballot. 3. To appoint scrutinizer. 4. To appoint Company Secretary. 5. To consider any other matter with the permission of chairperson
07-Feb-2024 14-Feb-2024 Quarterly Results
31-Oct-2023 10-Nov-2023 Quarterly Results
31-Jul-2023 08-Aug-2023 A.G.M.
23-May-2023 30-May-2023 Quarterly Results & Audited Results Inter alia, to consider and approve additional agenda regarding the re-appointment of Mr. Servesh Gupta (DIN: 01451093) as the Managing Director of the Company Intimation of additional agenda to the board meeting of the company to be held on 30th May, 2023 the re-appointment of Mr. Servesh Gupta (DIN: 01451093) as the Managing Director of the Company
20-Mar-2023 25-Mar-2023 Inter alia, consider and approve the following businesses: 1. To take note of the appointment of Ms. Aditi Jindal (Membership No. 70980) as Company Secretary & Compliance officer of the Company 2. To take note of the appointment of M/s P D U & CO. (Company Secretaries) as Secretarial Auditor of the Company for the Financial Year 2022-23. 3. To take note of the appointment of M/s R.K. Shah & Co. (Chartered Accountants) as Internal Auditor of the Company for the Financial Year 2022-23. 4. Discuss any other business with the permission of the Chairman.
06-Feb-2023 11-Feb-2023 Quarterly Results
03-Nov-2022 08-Nov-2022 Quarterly Results
26-Jul-2022 08-Aug-2022 Quarterly Results & A.G.M.
24-May-2022 30-May-2022 Audited Results
03-Feb-2022 14-Feb-2022 Quarterly Results
03-Nov-2021 13-Nov-2021 Quarterly Results
10-Aug-2021 13-Aug-2021 Inter alia, to consider and approve Appointment of Statutory Auditor
26-Jul-2021 05-Aug-2021 Quarterly Results
22-Jun-2021 29-Jun-2021 Audited Results
04-Feb-2021 12-Feb-2021 Quarterly Results
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  • 9 out of 10 individual traders in equity Futures and Options Segment, incurred net losses.
  • On an average, loss makers registered net trading loss close to ₹ 50,000.
  • Over and above the net trading losses incurred, loss makers expended an additional 28% of net trading losses as transaction costs.
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Source: Click Here.