(Rs. in Millions) |
Particulars | Mar 2024 | Mar 2023 | Mar 2022 | Mar 2021 | Mar 2020 |
Share Capital | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 |
Equity - Authorised | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 10000.00 | 10000.00 |
Equity - Issued | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 |
Equity - Paid Up | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 | 8772.00 |
Equity Shares Forfeited | | | | | |
Adjustments to Equity | | | | | |
Preference Capital Paid Up | | | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Unclassified Shares Paid Up | | | | | |
Face Value | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 | 0.01 |
Share Warrants | | | | | |
Reserve and Surplus | 378046.28 | 319914.28 | 252552.56 | 231714.76 | 210457.63 |
Capital Reserve | | | | | |
Share Premium | 15440.66 | 15440.66 | 15440.66 | 15440.66 | 15440.66 |
General Reserve | 158853.80 | 158853.80 | 158853.80 | 158853.80 | 158853.80 |
Profit & Loss A/c | 173216.62 | 120875.25 | 61697.68 | 41640.29 | 22435.91 |
Other Reserve | 19534.74 | 19619.07 | 16560.42 | 15780.01 | 13727.26 |
Revaluation Reserve | | | | | |
Fair Value Change Account Cr / (Dr) | 133132.83 | 91081.61 | 71808.14 | 61548.24 | 32756.86 |
Borrowings | | | | | |
Debentures | | | | | |
Financial Institutions | | | | | |
Others | | | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Policy Holders Funds | | | | | |
Fair Value Change Account Cr / (Dr) | 304351.90 | 222853.70 | 240371.95 | 210360.28 | 116207.29 |
Policies Liabilities | | | | | |
Insurance Reserve | | | | | |
Provisions for Linked Liabilities | | | | | |
Funds For future Appropriations | | | | | |
Total Sources of Funds | 824303.00 | 642621.59 | 573504.65 | 512395.28 | 368193.79 |
Applications of Funds | | | | | |
Investments | | | | | |
Investments - Shareholders | 406212.10 | 315157.78 | 239501.88 | 212953.20 | 157037.79 |
Investments - Policies Holders | 908034.80 | 791671.52 | 771553.24 | 698002.71 | 528220.44 |
Assets Held to cover Linked Liabilities | | | | | |
Loans | 1518.94 | 1697.45 | 1893.78 | 2124.61 | 2347.40 |
Secured | | | | | |
Unsecured Loans | 66.39 | 68.39 | 68.39 | 68.39 | 68.39 |
Current Assets | | | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Cash & Bank balances | 243888.85 | 232842.89 | 210831.23 | 182940.93 | 158537.84 |
Cash | 0.06 | 0.05 | 0.05 | 0.06 | 0.08 |
Bank Balances & Deposits | 236911.04 | 224767.04 | 207118.13 | 172804.30 | 143593.53 |
Money at call & Short notice | 6977.75 | 8075.81 | 3713.05 | 10136.57 | 14944.23 |
Others | | | | | |
Advances & Other Assets | 172622.11 | 148360.89 | 133003.28 | 133713.67 | 132932.20 |
Advances | | | | | |
Application money for Investments | | | | | |
Prepayments & Pre paid expenses | 329.15 | 395.55 | 389.71 | 428.21 | 125.35 |
Advances to Directors / Officers | 8.67 | 2.86 | 2.60 | 3.07 | 4.68 |
Advance Tax paid & TDS | 93442.98 | 75270.60 | 57429.69 | 51512.30 | 47547.15 |
Other Advances | | | | | |
Other Assets | 129379.99 | 140598.52 | 138855.17 | 158736.48 | 220927.51 |
Accrued / Outstanding Income on investments | 19266.18 | 15681.11 | 12820.05 | 11619.08 | 10582.64 |
Outstanding balances | | | | | |
Due from Other Insurance Agency | 80549.63 | 95779.46 | 102505.83 | 120628.66 | 181202.63 |
Deposits with RBI | | | | | |
Others | | | | | |
Current Liabilities & Provisions | | | | | |
Current Liabilities | 778107.95 | 735784.59 | 675307.07 | 630744.87 | 619127.15 |
Agents Balances | | | | | |
Due to Other Insurance Companies | 22168.78 | 23216.75 | 27676.81 | 24807.11 | 36161.78 |
Premium received in advance | | | | | |
Sundra Creditors | 1339.47 | 935.38 | 850.59 | 812.40 | 579.88 |
Due to subsidiaries/Holding Companies | | | | | |
Claims Outstanding | 750025.31 | 706995.11 | 644265.12 | 588730.00 | 573317.07 |
Others | | | | | |
Provisions | 268961.32 | 260866.94 | 248897.42 | 247207.56 | 214698.15 |
Provisions for taxation | 88656.62 | 74300.69 | 54425.57 | 47395.38 | 41619.68 |
Proposed Dividend | | | | | |
Provision for Dividend Distribution Tax | | | | | |
Other Provisions | 180304.69 | 186566.25 | 194471.85 | 199812.18 | 173078.47 |
Fixed Assets | 4350.07 | 4331.34 | 3099.79 | 2982.14 | 2970.97 |
Less: Accumulated Depreciation | 1479.30 | 1388.66 | 1396.14 | 1289.36 | 1162.91 |
Less: Impairment of Assets | | | | | |
Total Net block | 2870.77 | 2942.69 | 1703.65 | 1692.78 | 1808.06 |
Total Assets | 824303.00 | 642621.59 | 573504.65 | 512395.28 | 368193.79 |
Contingent Liabilities | 228561.80 | 180839.60 | 184102.48 | 123386.99 | 104769.22 |
Claims against the company not acknowledged | 224915.38 | 86925.12 | 108142.45 | 71563.46 | 71329.32 |
Liability for partly paid investments | 62.57 | 113.68 | | | |
Liabilities under Guarantees | 3583.85 | 93800.81 | 75960.03 | 51823.53 | 33439.90 |
Other Contingents Liabilities | | | | | |